Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 8/18/2020
Item Creation Date: 5/29/2020

HCD20-100 ICF Incorporated - Contract Amendment

Agenda Item#: 18.


ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 2018-894 (Passed on November 7, 2018) to decrease the maximum contract amount of an agreement for Outreach, Intake and Case Management Services between the City of Houston and ICF INCORPORATED, L.L.C., for Hurricane Harvey Disaster Recovery Services; approving and authorizing Amendment No. 1 to said agreement


The Housing and Community Development Department (HCDD) recommends Council approval of an Ordinance authorizing a contract Amendment between the City of Houston (City) and ICF Incorporated, LLC to reduce the Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery 2017 (CDBG-DR17) funding by $12,781,761.90, and to amend the agreement to 1) modify the termination provisions, 2) reduce the budget, modify costs for various services and expenses such as other direct reimbursable costs, and shift the amounts in various budget line items, 3) resolve and provide for the payment of previously disputed invoices, and 4) update various provisions to reflect administrative or operational changes.


The amendment seeks to revise the budget as follows:

Contract Budget

Original Budget Amount

Change Orders to-date

Proposed Revisions

Revised Budget Amount


1: Outreach / Marketing

$ 2,070,277.00

$ --

$ 2,070,277.00

No Change

2: Additional Monthly Marketing

$ 55,248.00

$ 386,736.00

$ --

$ 441,984.00

No Change

3: Survey: Owner Occupied

$ 1,093,865.00

$ --

$ 1,093,865.00

No Change

4: Intake Owner Occupied ($832.20 * 11,500 units)

$ 9,570,300.00

$ --

$ 9,570,300.00

No Change

5: Survey: Renter Occupied

$ 1,105,491.00

$ --

$ 1,105,491.00

No Change

6: Intake Renter Occupied ($1,013.05 * 13,000 units)



$         --


7: Facilities / HRC

$ 1,972,752.00

$ 42,500.00

$ 984,748.00

$ 3,000,000.00


8: Legal Services

$ 6,735,614.00


$ (6,206,378.00)

$ 100,000.00


Proposed: Transition and additional expenses

$ 5,609,518.10

$ 5,609,518.10








The budget line item for Renter Occupied Intake is reduced because the demand of the HoAP Renter Occupied program is much lower than originally planned. The Legal Services budget line item is reduced to $100,000.00 because the amount of legal services that have been needed to support homeowners has been significantly less than anticipated and is expected to remain at low levels.


This contract was originally approved by Council on October 31, 2018, by Ordinance No. 2018-894, for a total amount of $35,773,197.00.  This Ordinance was issued with initial funding from Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) funds for the amount of $5,000,000.00, with the expectation that the TIRZ funds would be reimbursed, and the remainder of the contract funded, with CDBG-DR17 funds when those funds became available.    The original contract allowed for one year of support for the Housing Resource Centers, but because of prudent financial management we have been able to extend services to date.  This contract amendment supports the transition and additional expenses from four to one key Housing Resource Center.  The new amount for the contract is not to exceed $22,991,435.10.


Funding for this item is included in the FY2020 Adopted Budget. Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policies.


This item was reviewed by the Housing and Community Affairs Committee on June 22, 2020.





Tom McCasland, Director

Prior Council Action:
10/31/2018 (O) 2018-894
Contact Information:

Roxanne Lawson

Phone: (832) 394-6307

Coversheet (revised)Signed Cover sheet