Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 5/5/2020
District E, ETJ
Item Creation Date: 3/31/2020


Agenda Item#: 35.



ORDINANCE finding and determining public convenience and necessity for the acquisition of real property interests in connection with the public improvement project known as Northpark Drive Overpass Project; authorizing the acquisition, by gift, dedication, purchase, or eminent domain proceedings, of the fee simple title or easements in and to twenty-nine parcels of land required for the project and situated in the Mary Owens Survey, Abstract No. 405, Montgomery County, Texas, said parcels of land being located along the north and south lines of Northpark Drive in Houston, Montgomery County, Texas; authorizing payment of the costs of such acquisitions, including the purchase prices for the property interests and costs associated with relocation assistance, appraisals, title policies/services, recordation of instruments, and eminent domain proceedings; ratifying a Public Improvement Development Agreement among City of Houston, Texas, Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority, and Reinvestment Zone Number Ten, City of Houston, Texas - DISTRICT E - MARTIN


SUBJECT:  Recommendation that an ordinance for the NORTHPARK DRIVE OVERPASS PROJECT be passed approving and authorizing the acquisition of parcels by dedication, purchase, or condemnation.


RECOMMENDATION: (Summary) An ordinance for the NORTHPARK DRIVE OVERPASS PROJECT be passed approving and authorizing the acquisition of parcels by dedication, purchase, or condemnation.



The Northpark Drive Overpass Project (the “Project”) is a public improvement project designed and constructed by the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority (the “Authority”) which consists of the reconstruction of Northpark Drive into a six lane divided roadway between US 59 (IH 69) and Russell Palmer Road, with a grade separation at the UPRR rail tracks and Texas State Loop 494.  Additionally, two at-grade frontage roads will be constructed adjacent to the overpass with signalized intersections at Texas State Loop 494.  Two 10’ multi-model pathways will be constructed on the north and south sides of the reconstructed roadway as well.  The Project necessitates the acquisition of fee simple title or street right-of-way easements to certain parcels of land that are necessary for the construction, use, maintenance and operation of the Project.


This action finds a public necessity for the Project; approves and authorizes the acquisition, by gift, dedication, purchase or eminent domain proceedings, of fee simple title or street right-of-way easements in and to the parcels of land required for the Project; authorizes payment of the costs associated with these acquisitions, including purchase price, relocation assistance, appraisals, title policies/services, recording fees and other costs; and ratifies a Public Improvement Development Contract among Reinvestment Zone Number Ten, City of Houston, Texas (Lake Houston Zone), the Authority and the City relating to the development and implementation of the Project (the “Contract”).  If negotiations to acquire fee simple title or street right-of-way easements in and to the parcels of land required for the Project cannot be concluded as a dedication or purchase or for any other reason for which acquisition by condemnation is warranted, this action authorizes the City Attorney to file or cause eminent domain proceedings to be filed and acquire fee simple title or street right-of-way easements to the land and improvements thereon for said purposes, authorizes payment for the Award of Special Commissioners and court costs associated with condemnation proceedings, and authorizes the City Attorney to retain special counsel to assist in the acquisition.  All costs of acquisitions associated with the Project will be paid by the Authority pursuant to the Contract.




Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director

Houston Public Works


WBS No. N-T10000-0001-2

Prior Council Action:
Ordinance 2019-200, passed March 27, 2019
Amount and Source of Funding:

No additional funding required.

(Funds were appropriated under Ordinance 2019-200)
Contact Information:

Marjorie L. Cox

Assistant Director – Real Estate Services

Phone: (832) 395-3130












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