Formal Bids Received January 23, 2020 for S73-S29243 – Approve various awards, as shown below, in the amount not to exceed $5,513,322.69 for the purchase of Supplies and accessories for Use of Force Training for the Houston Police Department.
Specific Explanation:
The Chief of the Houston Police Department and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve various awards, as shown below, in the amount not to exceed $5,513,322.69 for supplies and accessories for Use of Force Training for the Houston Police Department. It is further requested that authorization be given to make purchases, as needed, for a 36-month period with two one-year options. These awards consist of various supplies and accessories to be used by the department for its Training, SWAT, and Narcotics Divisions.
This award allows the department to have the required and necessary supplies to train as required by existing city policies, general orders and procedures as well as mandated by State of Texas qualifications. The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requires officers to successfully complete firearms proficiency at least once each calendar year for each type of firearm carried. In addition, HPD conducts firearms proficiency training up to four (4) times a year.
In order to meet these state mandates and requirements, HPD is committed to training officers on the proper use of munitions for operational readiness during critical incidents and special threat situations such as barricaded subjects, hostage situations and rare incidents of domestic terrorism. HPD's training practices/procedures allows officers to train with less lethal munitions in order to (1) enhance de-escalation training options; (2) reduce use of force options; and (3) minimize deadly force situations.
Maintaining proper supplies ensures that cadets and officers will meet and exceed mandated training requirements by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. HPD receives Federal grant funding for essential equipment and training as a FEMA Type 1 Special Response Team. Not having the capability to train for Type 1 Special Response situations will downgrade HPDs designation to a Type 3 Special Response Team. In order to continue receiving and applying for grant monies, the department must be classified as a FEMA Type I Special Response Team or depend on the general fund to replace lost grant funding.
This project was advertised in accordance with the requirements of the State of Texas bid laws. Fifteen prospective bidders downloaded the solicitation document from SPD’s e-bidding website, and three bids were received as outlined below.
Precision Delta Corporation: Award on its low bid for Group 1, Line Item Nos. 2, 3, 6, 9, and 11 (ammunition); and on its sole bid for Group 1, Line Item Nos. 18 and 20 (ammunition) in the amount not to exceed $1,057,023.00.
Total Amount
GT Distributors
(Partial Bid/Higher Unit Cost)
Precision Delta Corporation
Galls, LLC
Galls LLC: Award on its low bid for Group 1, Line Item Nos. 1, 8, 10, 12 thru 17, and 22 (ammunition); and Group 4, Line Item Nos. 1 and 2 (pepper ball guns and rounds) in the amount not to exceed $1,809,971.50.
Total Amount
Precision Delta Corporation
(Partial Bid/Higher Unit Price)
Galls, LLC
GT Distributors, Inc.
GT Distributors, Inc: Award on its low bid for Group 1, Line Item Nos. 4, 5, 7, and 21 (ammunition); and Group 2, Line Item No. 2 (cartridges); and on its sole bid for Group 1, Line Item Nos. 23 thru 26 (ammunition); Group 2, Line Item Nos. 1, and 3 thru 10 (cartridges); Group 3, Line Item Nos. 1 thru 17 (grenade, tear gas, and triple chasers); Group 4, Line Item Nos. 3 and 4 (Skat-shells); Group 5, Line Item Nos. 1 and 2 (Skat-shells); and Group 6, Line Item Nos. 1 thru 4 (noise producing distraction devices) in the amount not to exceed $2,646,328.19.
Total Amount
Galls, LLC
$ 420,304.25
(Partial Bid/Higher Unit Price)
Precision Delta Corporation
(Partial Bid/Higher Unit Price)
GT Distributors, Inc.
Group 1, Line Item Nos. 19 and 27; and Group 7, Line Item Nos. 1 thru 6 are not being awarded. These items will be purchased on an as needed basis by the department.
MWBE Participation:
Zero percent goal-document approved by the Office of Business Opportunity.
Hire Houston First:
The proposed award requires compliance with the City’s “Hire Houston First” ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston businesses and supports job creation. Precision Delta Corporation, Galls, LLC, and GT Distributors, Inc. do not meet the requirements for HHF designation; no HHF firms were within three percent.
Fiscal Note:
Funding for this item is included in the FY2021 Adopted Budget. Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policies.
Jerry Adams, Chief Procurement Officer
Department Approving Authority Signature
Finance/Strategic Procurement Division
Estimated Spending Authority
Out Years
Houston Police