Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 5/5/2020
District B, District C, District F, District H, District I, District K
Item Creation Date: 2/26/2020

25CONS405 – Additional Appropriation for the Task Order and Job Order (TOC/JOC) Contracting Program for FY2020

Agenda Item#: 20.


O 2020-0376 ORDINANCE appropriating additional funds in the amount of $15,815,708.00 from the following funds: $2,050,000.00 from General Improvement Consolidated Construction Fund, $36,000.00 from Equipment Acquisition Consolidated  Fund - General Services, $2,977,000.00 from Police Consolidated Construction Fund, $1,631,000.00 from Misc. Capital Projects/Acquisitions CP Series E Fund - Police, $1,447,000.00 from Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund - Police, $1,000,000.00 from Fire Consolidated Construction Fund, $550,000.00 from Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund – Fire, $314,000.00 from the Public Health Consolidated Construction Fund, $432,000.00 from Misc. Capital Projects/Acquisitions CP Series E Fund – Health, $2,163,708.00 from the Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund – Health, $275,000.00 from Public Library Consolidated Construction Fund, $500,000.00 from Misc. Capital Projects/Acquisitions CP Series E Fund – Library, $63,000.00 from Solid Waste Consolidated Construction Fund, $661,000.00 from Misc. Capital Projects/Acquisitions CP Series E Fund – Solid Waste, $450,000.00 from Parks and Recreation Dedication Fund, $1,266,000.00 from the Parks Consolidated Construction Fund, for the Task Order and Job Order (TOC/JOC) Contracting Program for Various City Departments for FY2020 (approved by Ordinance No. 2016-0264, 2019-0391, 2019-0594, 2019-0677, 2020-0090, 2020-151, 2020-152)


RECOMMENDATION:  Appropriate additional funds for the TOC/JOC Contracting Program for FY2020.


SPECIFIC EXPLANATION:  The General Services Department (GSD) utilizes task order and job order contracts to facilitate minor architectural and engineering design services; mechanical, electrical and plumbing services; roof consulting services; construction, repairs, rehabilitations, or alterations of facilities for its client departments.   Having these contracts in place allows the City to expedite smaller facility construction projects and can help the City respond quickly to facility needs. Funds are allocated to design task order contracts or construction job order contracts as work orders are issued.  Accordingly, GSD recommends that City Council appropriate an additional sum of $15,815,708.00 to the TOC/JOC Contracting Program for FY 2020, for professional and construction services for General Government, Police, Fire, Health, Library, Solid Waste Management, and Parks and Recreation Departments.


BACKGROUND:  The TOC/JOC Program is funded through supplemental allocations from various departmental budgets or appropriations from various bond funds, up to the maximum contract amount, as departments identify projects and specific funding for each project.  Fees for each TOC project is negotiated based upon the size and complexity of the tasks involved. Work orders for JOC are issued and approved in accordance with pre-described and pre-priced tasks as established by the R.S. Means Facilities Construction Cost Data book.  




PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  See attached list. 




TOC CONTRACTORS: Currently, GSD utilizes fourteen TOC contractors: (1) CSF Consulting, L.P. (CSF); (2) Jaymark Engineering Corporation (Jaymark); (3) Walter P. Moore and Associates, Inc. (WPM); (4) Hunt & Hunt Engineering Corporation (Hunt); (5) Infrastructure Associates, Inc. (Infrastructure); (6) Building Envelope Consultants, LLC (BEC); (7) Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.(WJE); (8) AT3+RDC Architects, (AT3); (9) Brown Reynolds & Watford Architects, Inc. (Brown); (10) Collaborate Architects, LLC (Collaborate); (11) English & Associates Architects (English); (12) Interiors Architects, Inc. (IA); (13) Powers Brown Architecture of Texas, LLC. (PBA); and (14) Ryden Architecture, LLC (Ryden).


On April 6, 2016, Ordinance No. 2016-0264, Council approved professional engineering services task order contracts with CSF, Jaymark, WPM, Hunt, and Infrastructure, for a term of three-years with two one-year renewal options.  Each contract has a maximum contract amount of $1,000,000. 


On May 29, 2019, Ordinance No. 2019-0391, Council approved building envelope consulting services task order contracts with BEC; WPM; and WJE for a term of three-years with three one-year renewal options. Each contract has a maximum contract amount of $2,500,000.


On January 29, 2020, Ordinance No. 2020-0090, Council approved professional architectural services task order contracts with English, Collaborate, PBA, Brown, IA, AT3, and Ryden, for a term of three-years with two one-year renewal options. Each contract has a maximum contract amount of $2,000,000.


JOC CONTRACTORS: On August 7, 2019, Ordinance No. 2019-0594, Council appropriated $211,389.00 for the TOC/JOC Contracting Program for FY2020, for professional and construction services for the Health and Library Departments, Denver Harbor Multi-Service Center and Flores Neighborhood Library, respectively.


Currently, GSD utilizes five JOC contractors.  On September 4, 2019, Ordinance No. 2019-0677, Council awarded five job order contracts to: (1) Brown & Root Industrial Services LLC, (2) E-Contractors USA LLC, (3) ERC Environmental & Construction Services Inc., (4) Jamail & Smith Construction LP, and (5) Horizon International Group for a term of two-years with three one-year renewal options. Each contract has a maximum contract amount of $20,000,000.


On February 26, 2020, Ordinance No. 2020-151, Council appropriated an additional sum of $600,000.00 for the TOC/JOC Contracting Program for FY2020, for the restoration of Kashmere Gardens Neighborhood Library, for the Houston Public Library.


On February 26, 2020, Ordinance No. 2020-152, Council appropriated an additional sum of $1,191,747.00 for the TOC/JOC Contracting Program for FY2020, for professional and construction services for City Hall structural repairs.




TOC CONTRACTORS:  An 8.0% M/WBE goal has been established for the professional engineering task order contracts with CSF; Jaymark; WPM; Hunt; and Infrastructure. To date, CSF has achieved 28.3% participation; Jaymark has achieved 8.2% participation; WPM has achieved 7.2% participation; Hunt has achieved 31.6% participation, and Infrastructure has achieved 9.1% participation. WPM has made a good faith effort to meet the M/WBE goal and has projects underway that are utilizing the services of its M/WBE firms.  With this plan, it is anticipated that WPM will achieve the goal by the completion of the contract. 


A 5.0% M/WBE goal has been established for the building envelope consulting services task order contracts with BEC, WPM, and WJE.  Due to the recent inception of the contracts, there is no utilization to report because many of the assigned projects have not commenced. However, it is anticipated that the consultants will achieve the goal by the completion of their respective contracts.


A 13.35% M/WBE goal has been established for the professional architectural services task order contracts with AT3; Brown; Collaborate; English; IA; PBA; and Ryden.  Due to the recent inception of the contracts, there is no utilization to report because many of the assigned projects have not commenced. However, it is anticipated that the consultants will achieve the goal by the completion of their respective contracts.


JOC CONTRACTORS:  A 16% MBE goal and 4% WBE goal have been established for each contract.  Due to the recent inception of the contracts, there is no utilization to report because many of the assigned projects have not commenced. However, it is anticipated that the contractors will achieve the goals by the completion of their respective contracts.


CIP FISCAL NOTE:  No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of these projects.


            Capital Project Information: See each attached Form A for a breakdown of capital costs.


WBS Nos: D-000193; D-000224; D-000166; D-000209; D-000207; G-000128; G-000164; G-000178; G-000128; G-000188; G-000176; G-000196; C-000220; C-000217; H-000084; H-000124; H-000018; H-000079; H-000063; E-000246; E-000242; L-000086; L-000048; F-000708; F-000710; F-000844; F-000849; F-000876; F-000878; F-000880


DIRECTOR’S SIGNATURE/DATE:                                      DIRECTOR’S SIGNATURE/DATE:                         


____________________________                                        ____________________________   

C. J. Messiah, Jr.                                                                    Stephen L. Williams, M.Ed., MPA

General Services Department                                                Houston Health Department



____________________________                                        ____________________________

Harry Hayes                                                                            Art Acevedo, Chief of Police

Solid Waste Management Department                                   Houston Police Department





_____________________________                                      ____________________________

Stephen Wright                                                                        Rhea Brown Lawson, Ph.D.

Houston Parks and Recreation Department                            Houston Public Library                      



_____________________________                                     ______________________________

Samuel Peña, Fire Chief                                                         Tina Paez          

Houston Fire Department                                                        Administration & Regulatory Affairs


Prior Council Action:

Ordinance No. 2016-0264; April 6, 2016

Ordinance No. 2019-0391; May 29, 2019

Ordinance No. 2019-0594; August 7, 2019

Ordinance No. 2019-0677, September 4, 2019

Ordinance No. 2020-0090, January 29, 2020

Ordinance No. 2020-151, February 26, 2020

Ordinance No. 2020-152, February 26, 2020

Amount and Source of Funding:

$  2,050,000.00 – General Improvement Consolidated Construction Fund (4509)

$   36,000.00 – Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund (1800) – General Services

$  2,977,000.00 – Police Consolidated Construction Fund (4504)

$  1,631,000.00 – Misc. Capital Projects/Acquisitions CP Series E (4039) – Police

$ 1,447,000.00 – Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund (1800) – Police

$  1,000,000.00 – Fire Consolidated Construction Fund (4500)

$     550,000.00 – Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund (1800) – Fire

$     314,000.00 – Public Health Consolidated Construction Fund (4508)

$     432,000.00 – Misc. Capital Projects/Acquisitions CP Series E (4039) – Health

$ 2,163,708.00 – Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund (1800) – Health

$     275,000.00 – Public Library Consolidated Construction Fund (4507)

$     500,000.00 – Misc. Capital Projects/Acquisitions CP Series E (4039) – Library

$       63,000.00 – Solid Waste Consolidated Construction Fund (4503)

$     661,000.00 – Misc. Capital Projects/Acquisitions CP Series E (4039) – Solid Waste

$     450,000.00 -  Parks & Recreation Dedication Fund (4035)

$  1,266,000.00 – Parks Consolidated Construction Fund (4502)

$15,815,708.00 Total Appropriation  

Previous Funding for FY 2020:


$    121,000.00 – Public Health Consolidated Construction Fund (4508)

$      90,389.00 – Contributed Capital Project Fund (4515) – Library

$    600,000.00 – Public Library Consolidated Construction Fund (4507)

$ 1,191,747.00 – General Improvement Consolidated Construction Fund (4509)

$ 2,003,136.00 – Total Appropriation 

Contact Information:

Jacquelyn L. Nisby

Council Liaison                     

Phone:  832.393.8023

Revised Cover sheetSigned Cover sheet