Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 5/5/2020
Item Creation Date: 2/6/2019

E29357 (2of2) - City Hall Elevator Modernization - MOTION

Agenda Item#: 4.


M 2020-0206 SOURCEWELL Formerly NATIONAL JOINT POWERS ALLIANCE to purchase Elevator Modernization Services through the Interlocal Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing for the General Services Department - $943,980.40 - Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund

This item should only be considered after passage of item 3 above


S38-E29357 - Approve spending authority to purchase elevator modernization services through the Interlocal Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing with Sourcewell formerly National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) in the amount not to exceed $943,980.40 for the General Services Department.


Specific Explanation:

The Director of the General Services Department and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve spending authority to purchase elevator modernization services through the Interlocal Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing with Sourcewell in the amount not to exceed $943,980.40 which includes $858,164.00 in expected improvement and repairs and an additional 10% or $85,816.40, of contingency fund for undetectable, unexpected and unforeseen issues for the General Services Department.  It is further recommended that authorization be given to issue purchase orders as needed to the Sourcewell contractor Thyssenkrupp Elevator Americas, Corporation. 


The scope of work requires the contractor to provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools and supervision necessary to furnish and deliver elevator modernization services for the City of Houston locations City Hall. This modernization package includes replacement  or refurbishment of elevator mechanical and electrical components and cab interiors.   The elevator modernization will provide increased durability, reliability and improve fire and life safety features.  In addition, the improvements will result in decreased waiting times, reduce energy consumption and reduce operational cost and troubleshooting time. 


Chapter 271, Subchapter F of the Texas Local Government Code allows local governments to participate in cooperative purchasing programs with another government or local cooperative organization to purchase goods or services utilizing contracts currently existing between another local government and its vendors.  This process satisfies the states competitive bid law requirements.


M/WBE Participation:

According to the City of Houston Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15, Articles for Goal-oriented contracts, this procurement does not require an M/WBE goal, because it falls beneath the $1,000,000 threshold requiring an M/WBE subcontractor for construction work.


Pay or Play Program:

The proposed award requires compliance with the City's 'Pay or Play' Ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors.  This procurement is exempt from the City's 'Pay or Play' Program because the department is utilizing an Interlocal or Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for this purchase.


Hire Houston First:

This procurement is exempt from the City’s Hire Houston First Ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston Businesses and supports job creation.  Bids were not solicited, because the department is utilizing an Interlocal or Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for this purchase.


Fiscal Note:

No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project.





_____________________________________                    _______________________________

Jerry Adams, Chief Procurement Officer                             Department Approval Authority

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division

Estimated Spending Authority


FY 2020

Out Years


General Services Department




Amount and Source of Funding:


Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund

Fund 1800

Contact Information:

Lena Farris,                FIN/SPD                              (832) 393-8729

Jacquelyn Nisby         GSD                                    (832) 393-8023

Cover sheetSigned Cover sheet