Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 5/5/2020
District A
Item Creation Date: 12/8/2019

HPW 20IPP07 First Amendment / Harris County Flood Control District

Agenda Item#: 36.


O 2020-0389 ORDINANCE appropriating $357,009.75 out of Contribution for Capital Projects Fund and $392,710.72 out of Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund-Drainage Charge DDSRF Capital Fund; approving and authorizing first amendment to Inwood Detention Basin Interlocal Agreement (the "Agreement") between City of Houston and HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT for design and permitting of Phase 1 Inwood Forest Stormwater Detention Basin Project - DISTRICT A - PECK


SUBJECT: First Amendment to the lnterlocal Agreement between City of Houston (City) and Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) for Phase I of Inwood Storm Water Detention Basin.


RECOMMENDATION:  Adopt an Ordinance approving and authorizing the First Amendment to the lnterlocal Agreement between the City and HCFCD, appropriate funds, and accept local share from HCFCD. 


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project is part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). This amendment to the Interlocal Agreement defines terms between the City and HCFCD for the management of design and permitting activities, in accordance with federal requirements, and terms for reimbursement of incurred costs eligible under the HMGP grant.


LOCATION: The Inwood Storm Water Detention Basins were located in the vicinity of Antoine Drive between Victory Drive and West Gulf Bank Road.


PREVIOUS HISTORY AND SCOPE: The City and the District have identified a need to develop storm water detention facilities within the White Oak Bayou watershed. The District has previously performed a preliminary study and identified the opportunity to construct a regional floodwater detention storage within the land formerly known as Inwood Golf Course (Property) in White Oak Bayou watershed. Subsequently, the City acquired the Property under Ordinance No. 2011-0173 on March 2, 2011, for storm water and drainage purposes and passive recreation purposes.  Further the City  and HCFCD entered into an Interlocal Agreement under Ordinance No. 2017-0097 on February 15, 2017, to design, construct and maintain the storm water detention facilities for flood reduction and flood mitigation purposes. 


SCOPE OF THIS AMENDMENT: This first amendment allocates a total of 1,274 acre-feet of detention, allocating 637 acre-feet to each party, and amends any previous allocation(s); agree that HCFCD will design and permit the Inwood Forest Stormwater Detention Basins following the grant terms and conditions administered by Texas Department of Emergency Management; and HCFCD will provide the 50% local share in the amount of $357,009.75.  Total appropriation for the project is $2,891,778.97, with a local share of $714,019.50. HCFCD will be reimbursed for HMGP eligible expenses incurred to complete this project. 


The total requested appropriation is $2,891,778.97 to be appropriated as follows: $2,142,058.50 for the federal cost share, $714,019.50 for the local share, and $35,700.97 for CIP Cost Recovery.



 No significant fiscal operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project.


 No fiscal note is required on grant items.




Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E.


Houston Public Works


WBS No(s) M-43HCFC-0002-7

Prior Council Action:

Ordinance No. 2017-0097; Dated 02/15/2017

Ordinance No. 2011-0173; Dated 03/02/2011









Amount and Source of Funding:

Total: $2,891,778.97

$2,142,058.50 Fund No. 5430 - Federal State Local Pass Through Fund

$392,710.72 Fund No. 4042 - Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund - Drainage Fee

$357,009.75 Fund No. 4510 - Contribution for Capital Projects


Original (prior) Appropriation of $9,300,000.00 from Fund 4030 - Drainage Improvement Commercial Paper Series F.

Contact Information:

Maureen Crocker, Assistant Director

Transportation & Drainage Operations

Phone: 832-395-3222

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