Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 1/14/2020
District E
Item Creation Date: 11/20/2019

25PARK318- Accept Work - Wilson Memorial Park - AR TurnKee Construction Company Inc.

Agenda Item#: 4.


RECOMMENDATION from Director of General Services Department for approval of final contract amount of $306,739.00 and acceptance of work on contract with AR TURNKEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC for Wilson Memorial Park - 3.63% over the original contract amount and under the 5% contingency - DISTRICT E - MARTIN


RECOMMENDATION: The General Services Department recommends approval of final contract amount of $306,739.00 and acceptance of work on contract with AR Turnkee Construction Company Inc. for Wilson Memorial Park – 3.63% over the original contract amount and under the 5% contingency.

SPECIFIC EXPLANATION: The General Services Department recommends that City Council approve the final contract amount of $306,739.00 or 3.63% over the original contract amount, accept the work and authorize final payment to AR Turnkee Construction Company Inc. for construction services in connection with Wilson Memorial Park for the Houston Parks and Recreation Department.


PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project infilled an existing 1.3-acre water feature; regraded the side slopes; installed storm sewer lines, manholes and inlets to tie to the existing storm sewer; pruned and removed existing vegetation on the water feature islands; and sodded the entire area.


White Oak Studio was the design consultant for this project.


CONTRACT COMPLETION AND COST: The contractor completed the project within 297 days: the original contract time of 120 days plus 177 days approved by Change Orders. The final cost of the project including Change Orders is $306,739.00, an increase of $10,739.00 over the original contract amount.

PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: Change Order Number 1 – 4 relocated native turtles from the existing water feature area; tied in pool deck drains to storm water inlet; furnished and installed a storm water inlet grate and frame; and added non-compensable days to the contract due to inclement weather.

M/W/SBE PARTICIPATION: This contract is exempt from M/W/SBE subcontracting provisions because the value of the contract did not exceed the threshold of $1 million required for a goal-oriented contract as provided in §15-82 of the Houston Code of Ordinances.


WBS No: F-COE003-0001-4



C. J. Messiah, Jr.
General Services Department

Stephen Wright
Houston Parks and Recreation Department

Prior Council Action:
Ordinance No. 2018-630; August 8, 2018
Amount and Source of Funding:

No Additional Funding Required


Previous Funding: 

$ 100,000.00 Contributed Capital Project Fund (4515)

$ 159,000.00 Parks & Recreation Dedication Fund (4035)

$   62,800.00 Parks Consolidated Construction Fund (4502)
$ 321,800.00 Total Funding

Contact Information:

Jaquelyn L. Nisby

Council Liaison

Phone: 832-393-8023

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