Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 7/16/2019
Item Creation Date: 6/11/2019

S28794 – Chemical, Liquid Calcium Nitrate - MOTION

Agenda Item#: 12.


M2019-379 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES, LLC for Supply of Liquid Calcium Nitrate for Houston Public Works - 5 Years - $2,692,800.00 - Enterprise Fund


Formal Bids Received March 21, 2019 for S63-S28794 – Approve an award to Evoqua Water Technologies, LLC. in an amount not to exceed $2,692,800.00 for the supply of liquid calcium nitrate for Houston Public Works


Specific Explanation:

The Director of Houston Public Works and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve an award to Evoqua Water Technologies, LLC. on its low bid in an amount not to exceed $2,692,800.00 for the supply of liquid calcium nitrate chemical to the City of Houston Wastewater Treatment Plants for Houston Public Works.  It is further requested that authorization be given to issue purchase orders, as needed, for a 60-month period upon approval of City Council.


This project was advertised in accordance with the requirements of the State of Texas bid laws.  Twelve bidders downloaded the solicitation document from SPD’s e-bidding website and one bid was received as outlined below: 


            Company                                                                   Total Amount

1.  Evoqua Water Technologies, LLC.                                $2,692,800.00


Prior to issuing the solicitation, the Strategic Procurement Division canvassed the City’s registered vendor data base, as well as the market, to identify potential bidders who could possibly provide the type of chemical needed.  As a result, one hundred seventy-six potential bidders were identified and notified of the Invitation to Bid (ITB).  Subsequent to the receipt of the bid, prospective bidders were contacted to determine the reason for the limited response to the ITB.  Potential bidders advised that their product did not meet the specifications as advertised.


This award consists of approximately 1,100,000 gallons of liquid calcium nitrate, which will be utilized daily by the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plants.  Liquid calcium nitrate is used to prevent, and control hydrogen sulfide generation and odors associated with wastewater collection, transmission, and treatment.  Liquid calcium nitrate is essential to maintain compliance with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Environmental Protection Agency’s water quality mandates and standards necessary to preserve and protect the public’s health and safety.


M/WBE Subcontracting:

This bid was issued with an 11% goal for M/WBE participation.  Evoqua Water Technologies, LLC. has designated the below-named company as its certified M/WBE subcontractor.


Name                                                        Type of Work                         Percentage

Trinity Freight Services, LLC.           Chemical Transportation                        11%


This award will be monitored by the Office of Business Opportunity.


Hire Houston First:

The proposed award requires compliance with the City’s “Hire Houston First” (HHF) ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston businesses and supports job creation.  In this case Evoqua Water Technologies, LLC. does not meet the requirements for HHF designation; no HHF firms were within three percent.


Fiscal Note:

Funding for this item is included in the FY 2020 Adopted Budget. Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policies.



__________________________________                ___________________________________

Jerry Adams, Chief Procurement Officer                  Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division                 Houston Public Works

Estimated Spending Authority:


FY 2020

Out Years


Houston Public Works




Amount and Source of Funding:


Water & Sewer System Operating Fund

Fund No.: 8300

Contact Information:




Richard Morris, Division Manager


(832) 393-8736

Yesenia Chuca, Senior Staff Analyst


(832) 393-8727

Jedediah Greenfield, Assistant Director


(832) 395-3754

CoversheetSigned Cover sheet