Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 3/26/2019
District C, District D, District E, District F, District G, District H, District I, District J, District K
Item Creation Date: 12/13/2018

HPW - 20MB160 Contract Award / Reytec Construction Resources, Inc.

Agenda Item#: 79.


ORDINANCE appropriating $11,001,407.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund, awarding contract to REYTEC CONSTRUCTION RESOURCES, INC for Small Diameter Water Lines-Above Grade Crossing-South Sector; setting a deadline for the bidder's execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for testing services, CIP Cost Recovery, construction management and contingencies relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund - DISTRICTS C - COHEN; D - BOYKINS; E - MARTIN; F - LE; G - TRAVIS; H - CISNEROS; I - GALLEGOS; J - LASTER; K - CASTEX-TATUM


This was Item 45 on Agenda of March 20, 2019


SUBJECT: Contract Award for Small Diameter Water Lines Above Grade Crossings South Sector.


RECOMMENDATION: (SUMMARY) Accept low bid, award Construction Contract and appropriate funds.

PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project is part of the City’s Water Line Replacement Program and is required to replace and upgrade water lines within the City to increase availability of water, improve circulation and fire protection. 

DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: The project consists of rehabilitation of one hundred fourteen (114) existing small diameter water line aerial crossings at various locations within the City of Houston.  Work also includes replacement of existing 16-inch diameter water line located along Bellfort Street at HCFCD Unit C132-00-00 in Key Map Grid 533X and another 12-inch diameter water line located along Shepherd Drive at Buffalo Bayou in Key Map Grid 492M. The Contract duration for this project is 730 calendar days. This project was designed by Amani Engineering, Inc.

LOCATION:  This project is located throughout the City of Houston.


BIDS: This project was advertised for bidding on July 27, 2018. Bids were received on August 23, 2018. The two (2) bids received are as follows:




Bid Amount


Reytec Construction Resources, Inc.



Persons Service Company, LLC



AWARD: It is recommended that this construction contract be awarded to Reytec Construction Resources, Inc. with a low bid of $8,768,180.00 and that Addendum Number 1 be made a part of this Contract.


PROJECT COST: The total cost of this project is $11,001,407.00 to be appropriated as follows:


·               Bid Amount


·               Contingencies


·               Testing Services


·               CIP Cost Recovery


·               Construction Management



Testing Services will be provided Paradigm Consultants, Inc. under a previously approved contract.

Construction Management Services will be provided by Sowells Construction Management & Inspection under a previously approved contract.


HIRE HOUSTON FIRST: The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Hire Houston First’ (HHF) ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston business and supports job creation. In this case, Reytec Construction Resources, Inc. is a designated HHF company, but they were the successful awardee without application of the HHF preference.


PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM: The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. In this case, the Contractor provides health benefits to eligible employees in compliance with City policy.


M/WSBE PARTICIPATION: The contractor has submitted the following proposed program to satisfy the12% MBE goal and 8% WBE goal for this project.



MBE -  Name of Firms

Work Description


% of Contract


Basic Environmental Group, LLC

Asbestos Abatement





WBE -  Name of Firms

Work Description


% of Contract


Access Data Supply, Inc.

Construction Material Supplier










FISCAL NOTE: No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project.


All known rights-of-way, easements and/or right-of-entry required for the project have been acquired.




Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director

Houston Public Works


WBS No. S-000700-A029-4

Amount and Source of Funding:


Water and Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund

Fund No. 8500

Contact Information:

Juan Chavira, PE, PMP, CEM

Assistant Director, Capital Projects

Phone: (832) 395-2441

Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet
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