Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 3/26/2019
District A
Item Creation Date: 2/13/2019

HPW 20PDP12 2016 FMA Elevation grant 5441 Judalon Lane

Agenda Item#: 61.


ORDINANCE approving and authorizing contract between the City and the Property Owner(s) at 5441 Judalon Lane, Houston, Texas 77056 for Flood Mitigation Assistance Home Elevation Project to be performed by ARKITEKTURA DEVELOPMENT INC; providing a maximum contract amount - $257,308.58 - Grant Fund - DISTRICT A - STARDIG


This was Item 26 on Agenda of March 20, 2019


SUBJECT:  Homeowner Agreement for Flood Mitigation Assistance Home Elevation Project between the City of Houston and the property owner at 5441Judalon Lane, Houston, Texas 77056 for the disbursement of funds from the Texas Water Development Board under the FEMA Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant.


RECOMMENDATION: (SUMMARY) Adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing a Homeowner Agreement for the 2016 Flood Mitigation Assistance Home Elevation Project between the City of Houston and the property owner at 5441 Judalon Lane, Houston, Texas 77056 and disburse funds. 


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION:   The 2016 Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant for 40 flood-prone homes was awarded to the City of Houston on the behalf of the homeowners.   On September 28, 2016, City Council passed Ordinance No. 2016-0735 approving an agreement between the City of Houston and Texas Water Development Board for administering the Grant and to receive funds as sub-applicant from the Texas Water Development Board for reimbursement of the cost to complete the elevation of the flood-prone homes up to $12,364,111.50 for 40 approved homes.  


DESCRIPTION:  This project consists of elevating the home at least 12-inches above the base flood elevation.


LOCATION: The Property is located in Key Map Grid 531 R 


SCOPE OF THIS AGREEMENT: The City entered into an Agreement with Texas Water Development Board to administer the Grant to complete the elevation of 40 flood-prone homes.  The City is to enter into an Agreement with the Homeowner for the performance of the elevation work.


The pre-qualified elevation contractor Arkitektura Development Inc. was selected by the homeowner and has entered an Agreement for Flood Mitigation Assistance Home Elevation Project with the Contractor for a bid amount of $232,730.63. The Contractor is responsible for the elevation services required to perform and complete the project per the approved scope of work, as outlined in Exhibit A of the Agreement. The homeowner is responsible for the work performed by the Contractor however the City of Houston will provide inspection construction management, administrative oversite and Invoice approval and fund disbursements directly to the Contractor on behalf of the property owner. 


The total construction cost includes the bid amount ($232,730.63), inspection and survey fee ($5,000.00), and lodging ($7,392.00) totaling $245,122.63.  Per the terms of the Agreement, the Grant will be responsible for 100% of the construction cost.


The City’s administrative and construction management costs were calculated and assessed for the approved 40 homes.  The City’s Administrative contribution is $551.30 and the Grant and Project Management contribution is $11,634.65. 


The residence is being elevated 3 feet above its current level to conform with the current City of Houston Floodplain Ordinance requiring structures to be 2 foot above the 500 year flood level.


M/WBE:  The Contractor under this Agreement was encouraged but not required to participate in the City’s M/WBE Program, because it involves the use of federal funds and is subject to specific contract rules of the federal government for this Grant. 













PROJECT COSTS:   The total project cost is $257,308.58 to be allocated as follows:


Grant Share

Homeowner Share

City of Houston

Bid Amount




$ 0.00


$    5,000.00

$    5,000.00


$ 0.00

Temporary Lodging maximum 56 nights

$    7,392.00

$    7,392.00


$ 0.00

Administration/Project Management

$ 12,185.95

$  11,634.65


$ 551.30

Total Project Cost




$ 551.30


City will invoice for reimbursement of actual costs up to the not-to-exceed maximum Grant approved budget amount of $285,381.50.  Funding does not include the City’s Administrative Contribution.


ACTION RECOMMENDED:  It is recommended that the City Council adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing the Homeowner Agreement for Flood Mitigation Assistance Home Elevation Project between the City of Houston and the property owner at 5441Judalon Lane, Houston, Texas 77056 and allocate a not-to-exceed maximum Grant approved budget amount of $285,381.50 for this property.      



No Fiscal Note is required on grant items.

Funding for this item is included in the FY2019 Adopted Budget. Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policies




Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E.


Houston Public Works



Prior Council Action:

Ordinance 2016-0735, Date 09-28-2016

Amount and Source of Funding:

Total amount: $257,308.58

$256,757.28 Fund 5030 – Federal State Local -Pass Through Fund

$       551.30 Fund 8300 – Water & Sewer System Operating Fund

Contact Information:

Jedediah Greenfield

Deputy Assistant Director, Grant Management

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