SUBJECT: Treated Water Supply Contract between the City of Houston and Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 148.
RECOMMENDATION: The Treated Water Supply Contract between the City of Houston and Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 148 be approved.
SPECIFIC EXPLANATION: Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 148 has been receiving City water under an existing contract that was approved by Houston City Council on December 2, 2009, by Ordinance 2009-1161. The District has requested an increase to the minimum monthly amount of water it can be supplied from Houston. This new agreement sets the initial minimum monthly contract amount at 7 million gallons per month and the maximum at 16.27 million gallons per month. Additionally, the new agreement moves the district into the new standard water supply contract form. The contract charges rates for treated water as specified in the City of Houston Code of Ordinances, Section 47-61(f)(3). The base rate is currently $3.064 per thousand gallons and the district will also pay impact fees.
Houston Public Works recommends the Treated Water Supply Contract be approved.
Carol Ellinger Haddock, P. E.
Houston Public Works