SUBJECT: Public Improvement Development Contract by and between the City of Houston (City), the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority (Authority), and Reinvestment Zone Number Ten (Lake Houston Zone), to contribute funds to the reconstruction of Northpark Drive between U.S. 59 (IH 69) and Russell Palmer Drive (the Project), and to acquire real estate to implement the plan.
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt an Ordinance approving and authorizing a Public Improvement Development Contract between the City of Houston, the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority, and Reinvestment Zone Number Ten (the “Lake Houston Zone”) and appropriate the funds.
PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project is in part of a reinvestment zone created by the City pursuant to Chapter 311, Texas Tax Code (the “Zone”) for the purposes of redevelopment in the area referred to as Lake Houston.
DESCRIPTION: This project consists of the design and reconstruction of Northpark Drive into a 6-lane divided roadway with a grade separation at the UPRR rail tracks and Texas State Loop 494. Additionally, two at-grade frontage roads will be constructed adjacent to the overpass with signalized intersections at Texas State Loop 494. Two 10’ multi-model pathways will be constructed on the north and south sides of the reconstructed roadway.
LOCATION: This project is located in Key Map Grids 296 S, T, and U.
SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT AND FEE: The project is a Tri-Party agreement to design and construct infrastructure and to acquire real estate as necessary, for improvements to Northpark Drive. The City of Houston has agreed to participate in the project for the mutual public benefit within the Lake Houston area, to mitigate flooding, and to provide an evacuation route during a major storm event.
The City hereby commits $6,000,000.00 to the Authority for use in funding the project, payable as soon as practicable following the Date of Countersignature of this agreement. The City further agrees to commit additional funds in the amount of $9,455,000.00, upon receipt from the Authority of a “Notice of Intent” to award the project to the selected construction contractor. The additional funds will be appropriated from the City’s CIP Budget, provided, that the payment to the Authority of such additional funds is subject to the Houston Approval Contingencies (as hereinafter defined), and that the Houston Public Works Director agrees to recommend that an Ordinance appropriating such additional funds be approved, which will require approval by the Mayor, and that City Council approve the appropriation (the “Houston Approval Contingencies”). The Houston Public Works Director cannot guarantee all the Houston Approval Contingencies will occur.
The total requested amount of $6,600,000.00 is to be appropriated as follows: $6,000,000.00 for cost of the project and $600,000.00 CIP Cost Recovery.
FISCAL NOTE: No significant Fiscal Operating Impact is anticipated as a result of this project.
ACTION RECOMMENDED: It is recommended that City Council adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing a Public Improvement Development Contract between the City of Houston, the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority and Reinvestment Zone Number Ten (Lake Houston Zone) and appropriate funds.
Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director
Houston Public Works
WBS No. N-T10000-0001-7/ ILA TIRZ 10 (Northpark Drive)