Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 1/15/2019
Item Creation Date:

EPO-SPD-JSA-01102019-002 - Recycling Collection Services -MOTION - Texas Pride Disposal Solutions, LLC

Agenda Item#: 18.


TEXAS PRIDE DISPOSAL SOLUTIONS, LLC for Emergency Purchase of Recycling Collection Services to service Northwest Service Center routes for the Solid Waste Management Department


EPO-SPD-JSA-01102019-002 - Approve the issuance of Emergency Purchase Orders to Texas Pride Disposal Solutions, LLC for recycling collection services for the Northwest Service Center routes in an amount not to exceed $4,562,514.60 for the Solid Waste Management Department.

Specific Explanation:

The Director of the Solid Waste Management Department  (SWMD) and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve the issuance of Emergency Purchase Orders to Texas Pride Disposal Solutions, LLC  as necessary, for recycling collection services, subject to approval and finalization by the City Legal Department of additional terms, scopes of work, or other contractual documents deemed necessary, for a one (1) year term in the amount not to exceed $4,562,514.60 for the Solid Waste Management Department.


Texas Pride Disposal Solutions, LLC, shall collect City of Houston green recyclable containers from 10 daily recycling routes at the Northwest Service Center residential customers once a week, on the same day that solid waste (black container) is collected. Standard service is one 96-gallon capacity cart.  The Standard collection location for containers is curbside.  Collections shall be made ONLY from city provided customer address route list. 

The contractor may collect up to 2 additional carts of the same capacity from a single residential address, provided the customer has applied and paid for up to two additional containers.

Physically challenged service is provided to customers who have applied and been certified via the city’s application and approval process to have their container brought to and returned from the curb by the collection crew. 

This recommendation was made pursuant to Chapter 252, Section 252.022 (a) (2) “a procurement necessary to preserve and protect the public health and safety of the municipality’s residents” of the Local Government Code for exempted procurements.











MWBE Participation:

OBO approves the waiver of an MWBE goal on this procurement because, as per Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances, a waiver is appropriate when a public or administrative emergency exists which requires the goods or services to be provided with unusual immediacy.


Hire Houston First:

The proposed contract requires compliance with the City's 'Hire Houston First' (HHF) ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston businesses and supports job creation.  In this case the procurement is exempt from the City's Hire Houston First Ordinance.  Bids/proposals were not solicited because the department is utilizing an Emergency Purchase Order for this purchase.


Fiscal Note: Funding for this item is not included in the FY2019 Adopted Budget. Therefore, a fiscal note is attached as stated in the Financial Policies.



Estimated Fiscal Operating Impact




Recurring or One-Time:





Fund Name

Current Fiscal Year

Out Years




General Fund-Solid Waste



























Jerry Adams, Chief Procurement Officer

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division

Department Approval Authority

Amount and Source of Funding:


General Fund

Fund No. 1000

Contact Information:

Harry Hayes, Director    SWD     832-393-0454

Vic Ayers, Director         FMD     832-393-6901

Jerry Adams, Chief        SPD      832-393-9126      

Procurement Officer

Cover sheetSigned Cover sheet