Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 3/26/2019
District D
Item Creation Date: 1/9/2019

25CONS364 – Award Construction Manager at Risk Contract – J.T. Vaughn Construction, LLC – Sunnyside Health and Multi-Service Center

Agenda Item#: 23.


ORDINANCE appropriating $166,616.00 out of Public Health Consolidated Construction Fund; approving and authorizing Construction Manager At Risk Contract between the City of Houston and J.T. VAUGHN CONSTRUCTION, LLC for the Sunnyside Health and Multi-Service Center Project for the Houston Health Department - DISTRICT D - BOYKINS


RECOMMENDATION:  Award construction manager at risk contract and appropriate funds for preconstruction phase services.


SPECIFIC EXPLANATION:  The General Services Department (GSD) recommends that City Council award a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) Contract to J.T. Vaughn Construction, LLC to provide pre-construction and construction phase services for the new Sunnyside Health and Multi-Service Center for the Houston Health Department. The requested appropriation will fund pre-construction phase services.  City Council will be requested to appropriate funds for construction phase services under a separate Council action. 


On April 13 and April 20, 2018, GSD advertised a Request for Qualifications containing selection criteria that ranked respondents on experience, key personnel, and firm’s safety rating.  The Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) were due on May 3, 2018, and nine firms responded.  GSD evaluated the respondents and interviewed the five highest ranked firms.  J.T. Vaughn Construction, LLC ranked highest in combined scores from the SOQ evaluation and interview and offers the best value for the City based on the advertised criteria.


PROJECT LOCATION: 4410 Reed Road, Houston, TX  77051


PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The project will design and construct a new combination Multi-Service and Health Center. The new two-story facility will include but is not limited to the following areas: administration, seniors, WIC, multi-purpose room, fitness center, computer lab, classrooms, training space and a community garden. These areas will support the following programs: meal service, food bank and food distribution, general family health, women’s health, men’s health, immunization, dental and gardening. The design will also incorporate a future park space on the existing site.


The new building will be constructed with energy efficient mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems and will meet all current environmental and LEED™ (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) standards.


AWARD:  It is recommended that City Council award a CMAR contract to J.T. Vaughn Construction, LLC, and appropriate $166,616.00 for pre-construction phase services.


PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM: The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ Ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors.  In this case, the contractor elects to play; providing health benefits to eligible employees in compliance with City policy.


HIRE HOUSTON FIRST:  The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Hire Houston First’ (HHF) Ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston businesses and supports job creation.  In this case, J.T. Vaughn Construction, LLC is HHF designated and was awarded the contract based on their designation.


CIP FISCAL NOTE:  The five-year projected operating and maintenance costs for this project are as noted below:                      


               Capital Project Information:  See attached Form A for a breakdown of capital costs.

               Estimated Fiscal Operating Impact


 FY19 FY20 FY21


FY 23


Sunnyside Health and Multi-Service Center

 $0  $0 $0





WBS No: H-000091-0001-4



C. J. Messiah, Jr.

General Services Department



Stephen L. Williams, M. Ed., MPA

Houston Health Department



Amount and Source of Funding:


Public Health Consolidated Construction Fund

Fund 4508

Contact Information:

Jacquelyn L. Nisby

Council Liaison                     

Phone:  832.393.8023

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