Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 9/18/2018
District E, District I
Item Creation Date: 5/23/2018

20MEM01 Additional Appropriation / Arcadis U.S., Inc.

Agenda Item#: 39.


ORDINANCE appropriating $203,481.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund as an additional appropriation to Professional Engineering Services Contract between the City of Houston and ARCADIS U.S., INC for Pump and Lift Station Renewal and Replacement - Howard Drive, Easthaven,  Gulfway and Gulf Freeway #2 (as approved by Ordinance No. 2011-0717); providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund - DISTRICTS E - MARTIN and I - GALLEGOS


SUBJECT: Additional Appropriation to Professional Engineering Services Contract between the City and Arcadis U.S., Inc. for Pump and Lift Station Renewal and Replacement – Howard Drive, Easthaven, Gulfway and Gulf Freeway #2.


RECOMMENDATION: Approve an ordinance appropriating additional funds to the Professional Engineering Services Contract with Arcadis U.S., Inc.


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION:This project is part of the City’s ongoing Lift Station Renewal and Replacement Program.


DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project consists of rehabilitation of two lift stations (Easthaven and Gulf Freeway #2 Lift Station) and abandonment of two lift stations (Howard Drive and Gulfway Lift Station).


LOCATION: These projects are located in the following Key Map Grids:




Work Type

Key Map

Council District

Gulfway Lift Station

14026 Highway 3




Gulf Freeway #2 Lift Station

8209 Gulf Freeway




Howard Drive Lift Station

8513 ½ Howard Drive




Easthaven Lift Station 9947 Easthaven  Rehabilitation 575R  I


PREVIOUS HISTORY AND SCOPE: City Council approved the original contract with Arcadis U.S. Inc. on August 17, 2011 under Ordinance 2011-0717 for the professional engineering services contract for this Pump and Lift Station Renewal and Replacement project. The scope of services under the original contract consisted of Basic Services Phase I – Preliminary Design, Phase II – Final Design, and Phase III – Construction Phase Services and various Additional Services.


An additional appropriation was approved on December 19, 2017 under Ordinance 2017-1002 for the Phase III Engineering Services costs associated with Change Order No. 2 for Lift Station Renewal and Replacement Consolidation of Post Oak, Stablewood and Buckingham Lift Stations.


During construction phase of the Gulfway Lift Station, the project encountered unforeseen conflicts between gas pipelines and the proposed gravity line necessary for the abandonment of the Gulfway Lift Station. The design engineer conducted additional research, furnished design alternatives to address conflicts, and provided additional Phase III Services beyond the original contract duration for Construction Phase Services.  


The Consultant has completed the Preliminary Design Phase I, Final Design Phase II and is currently working on Construction Phase III Services.


This additional appropriation is required for completed work associated with Gulfway Lift Station.


SCOPE OF THIS ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION AND FEE: The requested additional appropriation will accomplish Phase III Construction Phases Services. The amount of $176,940.00 is budgeted for Basic Services.


The total requested appropriation is $203,481.00 to be appropriated as follows: $176,940.00 for contract services and $26,541.00 for CIP Cost Recovery.


PAY OR PLAY: The proposed Contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. In this case, the contractor has elected to pay into the Contractor Responsibility Fund in compliance with City policy.





M/WBE PARTICIPATION: The M/WBE goal established for this project is 24%. The original Contract amount and subsequent appropriations totals $1,546,981.00. The Consultant has been paid $1,453,883.33 (93.98%) to date. Of this amount, $559,216.17 (38.46%) has been paid to M/WBE sub-consultants to date. Assuming approval of the requested additional appropriation, the Contract amount will increase to $1,723,921.00. The M/WBE goal has been previously met.


Name of Firms

Work Description


% of Contract

Paid Prior M/WBE Commitment

Various Services



Unpaid Prior M/WBE Commitment

Various Services








FISCAL NOTE:  No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project.




Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director

Houston Public Works


WBS No. R-000267-0102-3

Prior Council Action:

Ordinance 2011-0717, Dated 08-17-2011

Ordinance 2017-1002, Dated 12-19-2017

Amount and Source of Funding:

$203,481.00 from Fund No. 8500 – Water and Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund


Original (previous) appropriation of $1,679,714.00 and subsequent additional appropriations $86,360.00 from Fund No. 8500 – Water and Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund

Contact Information:

R. Jeff Masek, P.E., CCM

Assistant Director, Capital Projects

(832) 395-2387

Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet