S30-L24396 - Approve an amending ordinance to increase the maximum contract amount from $15,632,360.52 to $17,632,360.52 for Contract No. 4600012124 between the City of Houston and TIBH Industries, Inc. for grounds maintenance services for Drinking Water Operations and Wastewater Facilities for Houston Public Works.
Specific Explanation:
The Director of Houston Public Works and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve an amending ordinance to increase the maximum contract amount from $15,632,360.52 to $17,632,360.52 for the contract between the City of Houston and TIBH Industries, Inc. for grounds maintenance services for Drinking Water Operations and Wastewater Facilities for Houston Public Works.
This contract was awarded on July 10, 2013, by Ordinance No. 2013-645, for a three-year term with two one-year options in an amount of $15,632,360.52. Expenditures as of September 4,2018 totaled $15,632.360.42. The current contract is under an 180 day extension until January 15, 2019. The contract incurred expenditures at a rate high than anticipated as Wastewater Facilities identified and added 143 City properties which were not being maintained. As a result of additional locations, the maximum contract amount will be exhausted prior to the contract term. Therefore, an increase to the maximum contract amount is needed to ensure that these services continue through the end of the contract term.
The scope of work requires the contractor to provide all labor, tools, parts, supplies, equipment, transportation and supervision necessary to provide grounds maintenance services, including but not limited to, mowing, litter pickup, pruning, mulching, watering, irrigation, and pest and weed control at approximately 550 water production and wastewater facilities throughout the City.
M/WBE Subcontracting:
Zero-percentage goal document approved by the Office of Business Opportunity.
Fiscal Note:
Funding for this item is included in the FY2019 Adopted Budget. Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required in the Financial Policies.
Jerry Adams, Chief Procurement Officer
Finance/Strategic Procurement Division
Department Approval Authority