Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 12/4/2018
District G, District K
Item Creation Date: 8/31/2018

PRD - SPARK, Inc. Agreement

Agenda Item#: 47.


**PULLED – This item will not be considered on December 5th

ORDINANCE approving and authorizing contract between the City of Houston and SPARK, INC for the Management and Construction of improvements to certain school playgrounds as public parks and recreational facilities; providing a maximum contract amount - 3 Years with two one-year options


The Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD) requests City Council approve an agreement with SPARK, Inc. for management and construction of improvements to certain school playgrounds as public parks and recreational facilities. SPARK, Inc. is a non-profit organization that funds improvements at public schools for public use during non-school hours.


Through the Council District Service Fund, the City of Houston budgeted $81,928 for playground improvements and SPARK implemented pre-contract services at the three schools listed below.


Mandarin School $49,828.00
Peterson Elementary School $12,100.00
Walnut Bend Elementary School $20,000.00
TOTAL $81,928.00


The contract allows for supplemental allocation of up to $300,000 for the term of the agreement should District Council Members opt to request future allocations for other SPARK Park projects through Council District Service Fund budgets. The agreement will be effective for three years with two years of automatic renewals, unless the HPARD Director chooses not to renew.


MWBE Subcontracting:

The Office of Business Opportunity has approved a waiver because the level of MWSBE availability would produce minimal MWSBE participation.


Fiscal Note:

Funding for this item is included in the FY2019 Adopted Budget. Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policies.


Director's Signature






Steve Wright, Director

Houston Parks and Recreation Department

Prior Council Action:
Not applicable
Amount and Source of Funding:

$81,928.00 General Fund 1000

Contact Information:

Luci Correa

Phone: 832-395-7057

Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet