Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 10/23/2018
Item Creation Date:

HPW-20DWO17 - Waterline Wrap Repairs - Contract Award - Nerie

Agenda Item#: 35.


ORDINANCE awarding  contract to NERIE CONSTRUCTION LLC for Waterline Wrap Repairs; setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for engineering and testing services and contingencies relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Operating Fund - $3,979,902.20 - Enterprise Fund


SUBJECT: Contract Award for Waterline Wrap Repairs, File No. WA 11282


RECOMMENDATION: (Summary) Accept low bid, award construction contract, and allocate funds.


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project will provide a work order based contract to repair water lines up to 16-inches in diameter in the distribution system on an emergency basis throughout the City.


DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Work shall include the improvement and/or new installation of main water lines and service lines.  The main lines range in diameter up to 16-inches and the water service lines range in size from ¾-inch to 2-inches in diameter.  The contract duration for this project is 730 calendar days.  This is a work order based contract with work orders assigned on an as-needed basis.


LOCATION:  The project area is generally bounded by the City Limits.


BIDS:  Bids were received on July 19, 2018.  The four (4) bids are as follows:


                       Bidder                                Bid Amount           
 1  Nerie Construction LLC        $3,695,144.96
 2  D. L. Elliott Enterprises, Inc.        $3,729,465.22
 3  Grava LLC        $3,763,785.48
 4  Reytec Construction Resources, Inc.        $3,832,426.00


AWARD:  It is recommended that this construction contract be awarded to Nerie Construction LLC with a low bid of $3,695,144.96.


PROJECT COST:  The total cost of this project is $3,979,902.20 to be allocated as follows:


                                          FY 19            FY 20                     Total               
 Bid Amount    $1,847,572.48  $1,847,572.48  $3,695,144.96
 Contingencies         $92,378.62       $92,378.62     $184,757.24
 Engineering and Testing Services           $50,000.00       $50,000.00     $100,000.00
 Subtotal    $1,989,951.10  $1,989,951.10  $3,979,902.20


Engineering and Testing Services will be provided by Paradigm Consultant, Inc. under a previously approved contract.


HIRE HOUSTON FIRST:  The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Hire Houston First’ (HHF) ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston businesses and supports job creation.  In this case, Nerie Construction, LLC is a designated HHF company, but they were the successful awardee without application of the HHF preference.


PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM:  The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors.  In this case the contractor has elected to pay into the Contractor Responsibility Fund in compliance with City policy.


M/WSBE PARTICIPATION: The low bidder has submitted the following proposed MWSBE participation to satisfy the 12.00% MBE goal, and 8.00% WBE goal for this project.


    MBE-Name of Firm              Work Description            Amount        % of Contract  
 To-Mex Construction, LLC  Underground Utilities  Services   $443,417.39       12.00%
  MBE TOTAL    $443,417.39       12.00%
WBE - Name of Firm       
 H & E Aggregate, LLC  Construction Material, Pipe Fitting   $295,611.59         8.00%
   WBE TOTAL   $295,611.59 8.00%
  SBE-Name of Firm      
 Torres Brothers Ready Mix Inc.            Concrete and Asphalt Restoration   $147,805.79         4.00%
                  SBE TOTAL   $147,805.79         4.00%


Estimated Fiscal Operating Impact:


Funding for this item is included in FY 2019 adopted Budget.  Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policies.







Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E.


Houston Public Works



WBS No. S-000MAO-0047-4

Amount and Source of Funding:


Water and Sewer System Operating Fund

Fund No. 8300.

Contact Information:

Andrew Molly, P.E.                 

Senior Assistant Director

Phone: 832.395.3785

Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet