Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 9/5/2018
District H
Item Creation Date: 8/13/2018

MYR - TIRZ 21 Hardy/Near Northside FY19 Budget

Agenda Item#: 30.


ORDINANCE relating to the Fiscal Affairs of HARDY/NEAR NORTHSIDE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY on behalf of REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER TWENTY-ONE, CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS (HARDY/NEAR NORTHSIDE ZONE); approving the Fiscal Year 2019 Operating Budget for the Authority and the Fiscal Years 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan Budget for the Zone - DISTRICT H - CISNEROS


Ordinance approving the Fiscal Year 2019 Operating Budget for the Hardy/Near Northside Redevelopment Authority and the Fiscal Years 2019 - 2023 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Budget for Reinvestment Zone Number Twenty-One, City of Houston, Texas (Hardy/Near Northside Zone).



City Council adopt an ordinance approving the Fiscal Year 2019 Operating Budget for the Hardy/Near Northside Redevelopment Authority and the Fiscal Years 2019 - 2023 CIP Budget for Reinvestment Zone Number Twenty-One, City of Houston, Texas (Hardy/Near Northside Zone).



The Administration has undertaken a comprehensive review of the proposed FY19 TIRZ budgets and recommends approval of the FY19 Operating Budget for the Hardy/Near Northside Redevelopment Authority and the Fiscal Years 2019 - 2023 CIP Budget for Reinvestment Zone Number Twenty-One (Hardy/Near Northside Zone).


  • Total Operating Budget for FY19 is $2,061,777 which includes $275,930 for required fund transfers and $1,785,847 for Project Costs.


  • The FY19 – FY23 CIP Budget totals $1,301,960 and includes provisions for the Hernandez Tunnel Rehabilitation. 


  • The FY19 Operating Budget provides for the transfer of $239,939 to the City’s Housing and Community Development Department for Affordable Housing.


  • The FY19 Operating Budget includes $29,250 for administration and overhead.  The Authority must advise the Chief Development Officer of any budget amendments. Adjustments to the budget that exceed the lesser of $400,000 or 5% of Project Costs require City Council approval.


  • The FY19 Operating Budget includes an estimated developer reimbursement of $369,637 for the Hardy Yards development.


  • The FY19 Operating Budget does not have a municipal services charge.



Attachments: FY19 Operating Budget, and FY19 – FY23 CIP Budget




Andrew F. Icken, Chief Development Officer

Prior Council Action:
Ord. No. 2017-0846, 10/25/17
Amount and Source of Funding:
No funding required
Contact Information:



Gwendolyn F. Tillotson                            Phone:  (832) 393-0937

TIRZ 21 Hardy/Near Northside FY19 BKUPBackup Material