Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 9/5/2018

Item Creation Date:

HPD - FY19 Body Worn Camera Grant Program

Agenda Item#: 22.


ORDINANCE authorizing submission of an electronic application for grant assistance to the STATE OF TEXAS THROUGH THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR’S CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION to fund the Body Worn Camera Program; declaring the City’s Eligibility for such grant; authorizing the Chief of the Houston Police Department to act as the City’s representative in the application process, to accept the grant and expend the grant funds as awarded, and to apply for and accept all subsequent awards, if any, pertaining to the Program


The Chief of Police for the Houston Police Department (HPD) recommends that City Council approve an ordinance authorizing the application for and acceptance of grant funds through the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division (CJD) FY19 Body Worn Camera Grant Program. The Body Worn Camera (BWC) Grant Program provides grant funds to assist police departments and sheriff’s offices in establishing or enhancing BWC programs. 


Under the FY19 BWC Gant Program, CJD will provide 80% of associated costs for equipment. There is a required 20% cash match which consists of costs for servers for storage of BWC videos.  HPD has applied for $47,000.00 in grant funds, and the City will make a cash match contribution of $9,400.00.  The project period will begin September 1, 2018 through August 31, 2019 for a total of 12 months.


HPD plans to purchase approximately 47 body worn cameras and assorted accessories.  The BWCs will be purchased through the City’s contract with Enforcement Video, LLC d/b/a Watch Guard Video that was previously approved by City Council on November 18, 2015 (Ordinance No. 2015-1156).  


Fiscal Notes:

Funding for this item is included in the FY2019 Adopted Budget.  Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policy.


No Fiscal Note is required on grant items.




Art Acevedo

Chief of Police

Prior Council Action:


Amount and Source of Funding:

$47,000.00 - State - Grant Fund 5010

$9,400.00 - General Fund 1000
Contact Information:

Rhonda Smith, CFO and Deputy Director   (713) 308-1770

Clifton Journet III,  Executive Staff Analyst   (713) 308-1779  

RCASigned Cover sheet