Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 9/18/2018
District C
Item Creation Date: 7/31/2018

PRD - ILA MHRA Little Thicket Park

Agenda Item#: 22.


ORDINANCE appropriating $405,000.00 out of Park and Recreation Dedication Fund; approving and authorizing Interlocal Agreement between the City of Houston, Texas, and the MEMORIAL HEIGHTS REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY for erosion control at Little Thicket Park - DISTRICT C - COHEN


The Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD) recommends City Council approve an interlocal agreement (ILA) with the Memorial Heights Redevelopment Authority (the Authority) and appropriate funds for the construction of improvements at Little Thicket Park (Park Sector 12).


The scope of work for the improvements includes stabilization of the failed bank slope of Little Thicket Bayou within the Park, grading and drainage along the top of the stabilized bank, and re-establishment of vegetation along the top of the stabilized bank. The estimated cost for this scope of work is $600,000.


If City Council approves, the ILA will grant right-of-entry for the Authority to contract for construction of the project and HPARD will contribute $405,000 from the Park and Recreation Dedication Fund (4035) toward the scope of work described above.


The Authority shall contribute a total of $405,000 under the ILA. Any portion of the Authority Contribution that is not expended in the scope of work described above may be expended on other park improvements to be determined and as approved by the HPARD Director.



Director's Signature:






Steve Wright, Director

Houston Parks and Recreation Department



Capital Project Information

See attached CIP Form A


WBS#: F-COC002-0001-4


No significant Fiscal Operating Impact is anticipated as a result of this project.

Prior Council Action:

Not applicable

Amount and Source of Funding:
$405,000 Park and Recreation Dedication Fund
Contact Information:

Luci Correa

Phone: 832-395-7057
