Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 7/24/2018
District B
Item Creation Date: 6/18/2018

20BAM9773/Non-Acceptance/Garfield Street/SY18-025

Agenda Item#: 38.


RECOMMENDATION from Director Houston Public Works, reviewed and approved by the Joint Referral Committee, on request from Andrew Sikes of Andrew Lonnie Sikes, Inc., on behalf of Exxon Corporation 00076, declining the acceptance of, rejecting, and refusing the dedication of Garfield Street, Signet Street, Plummer Street, Stedman Street and Bennett Street, from the applicant’s western property line east ±175 feet, located in the Port Houston, N.S.B.B. Subdivision, out of the John Brown League Survey, Parcels SY18-025A through SY18-025E - DISTRICT B - DAVIS -TAGGED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DAVIS

This was Item 7 on Agenda of July 18, 2018


SUBJECT:  Request for a motion declining the acceptance of, rejecting, and refusing the dedication of Garfield Street, Signet Street, Plummer Street, Stedman Street and Bennett Street from the applicant's western property line east ±175 feet, located in the Port Houston, N.S.B.B. Subdivision, out of the John Brown League Survey. Parcels SY18-025A through SY18-025E


RECOMMENDATION:  It is recommended City Council approve a motion declining the acceptance of, rejecting, and refusing the dedication of Garfield Street, Signet Street, Plummer Street, Stedman Street and Bennett Street from the applicant's western property line east ±175 feet, located in the Port Houston, N.S.B.B. Subdivision, out of the John Brown League Survey. Parcels SY18-025A through SY18-025E


SPECIFIC EXPLANATION:  Andrew Sikes of Andrew Lonnie Sikes, Inc., 11415 Bedford Street, Houston, Texas, 77031, on behalf of Exxon Corporation 00076, 8230 Stedman Street, Houston, Texas, 77029, requested the non-acceptance of Garfield Street, Signet Street, Plummer Street, Stedman Street and Bennett Street from the applicant's western property line east ±175 feet, located in the Port Houston, N.S.B.B. Subdivision, out of the John Brown League Survey.  Exxon Corporation 00076 will incorporate the streets into its abutting property.  Since the City never paved, installed public utilities, provided any type of maintenance, or foresees any future need for public access, the streets can be considered excess to the City’s needs and non-accepted as offered by the plat dedication.  Since the streets are to be non-accepted, no property interests exist that can be sold or conveyed.  No money or other consideration will be exchanged between the City and the underlying-fee owner of the abutting property as value for any property interests.  The Joint Referral Committee reviewed the request and determined the request could be processed as a non-acceptance. 


Therefore, it is recommended City Council approve a motion declining the acceptance of, rejecting, and refusing the dedication of Garfield Street, Signet Street, Plummer Street, Stedman Street and Bennett Street from the applicant's western property line east ±175 feet, located in the Port Houston, N.S.B.B. Subdivision, out of the John Brown League Survey.  












Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director

Houston Public Works

Contact Information:

Marjorie L. Cox

Assistant Director-Real Estate

(832) 395-3130
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