Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 7/10/2018

Item Creation Date: 6/20/2018

MYR ~ 2018 TIRZ # 15 & East Downtown Redevelopment Authority ReAppt ltr. 6-20-18

Agenda Item#: 5.


REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment or reappointment of the following individuals to the REINVESTMENT ZONE NO. 15, EAST DOWNTOWN (“TIRZ”) BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Position Two   - ALEX VASSILAKIDIS, reappointment, for a term to expire 7/6/2020;

Position Three - THAREN K. SIMPSON, appointment, for an unexpired term ending 7/6/2019;

Position Four   - BERNARDO ALDAPE III, appointment, for a term to expire 7/6/2020;

Position Six     - JOSEPH ALAN JOHNSTON, JR., reappointment, for a term to expire 7/6/2020.


June 19, 2018




The Honorable City Council

City of Houston, Texas


Dear Council Members:


Pursuant to City of Houston, Texas  Ordinance Nos. 1999-708, 1999-913 and 2011-74, and Resolution No. 2000-27, I am nominating the following individuals for appointment or reappointment to the Board of Directors of Reinvestment Zone No. 15, East Downtown (“TIRZ”), subject to Council confirmation:


Alex Vassilakidis, reappointment to Position Two, for a term to expire July 6. 2020;

Tharen K. Simpson, appointment to Position Three, for an unexpired term ending July 6, 2019;

Bernardo Aldape III, appointment to Position Four, for a term to expire July 6, 2020;


Joseph Alan Johnston, Jr., reappointment to Position Six, for a term to expire July 6, 2020.  


Pursuant to Article II, Section 1 of the Bylaws of the East Downtown Redevelopment Authority (“Authority”), appointment of a person to the position of director of the board of the TIRZ shall also constitute as appointment of such person to the corresponding position of director of the board of the Authority. The term of each director’s position on the board of the Authority shall be coterminous with the term of the corresponding position on the director’s position on the board

of TIRZ.


The résumés of the nominees are attached for your review. 

