Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 6/26/2018
Item Creation Date: 6/19/2018

HR- Approval of the Meet and Confer Agreement between Houston Organization of Public Employees (HOPE) and the City of Houston

Agenda Item#: 11.


ORDINANCE approving, authorizing and ratifying a Meet and Confer Agreement between the City of Houston and the HOUSTON ORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES, as the sole and exclusive Bargaining Agent for all Municipal Employees in the Bargaining Unit providing for severability



In 2015, the City of Houston and HOPE, the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for municipal employees, entered into the third meet and confer agreement between the parties, which expires on June 30, 2018.  The parties have negotiated a subsequent agreement in 2018 (“Agreement”). The Agreement affects municipal employees in the bargaining unit for a 3-year term, beginning after Council ratification and ending June 30, 2021.  The pertinent terms of the 2018 Agreement are as follows:


The scope of the bargaining unit has been revised to consist of all municipal employees of the City other than department directors, elected officials, and classified members of the Police and Fire Departments subject to Chapter 143 TLGC.


Across the board pay increases are agreed upon in accordance with the following schedule:


FY        Month            Year         Increase

19         July                 2018        3%

20         July                 2019        2%

21         July                 2020        1%


In the third year, the parties have agreed to an additional 1% increase (resulting in a 2% total) if the City Council’s adopted budget in FY2021, exceeds an agreed upon amount.


Department Union Representatives (“DURs”) will continue to be permitted to provide limited representation in grievances and employee concerns in departments other than their own. 


The City and HOPE will establish a joint task force which shall explore the feasibility of adopting a Paid Time Off Program (PTO) to replace or modify the current vacation and sick leave program.

Prior Council Action:
Ordinance 2015-0798
Amount and Source of Funding:
Funding for this item is included in the FY 2019 Adopted Budget.  Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policy Ord. 2014-1078.
Contact Information:

Jane E. Cheeks - HR Director, 832-393-6043

Alisa M. Franklin-Brocks

Staff Analyst

Phone: 832-393-6174

HR-RCA HOPE MEET & CONFERSigned Cover sheet