Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 4/24/2018
District J
Item Creation Date: 3/30/2018

25DSGN112 - First Amendment to Professional Architectural Services Contract - Rey de la Reza

Agenda Item#: 22.


ORDINANCE appropriating $73,500.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund as an additional appropriation; approving and authorizing first amendment to Professional Architectural Services Contract between the City of Houston and REY DE LA REZA ARCHITECTS, INC for the Houston Public Works Northeast Quadrant Building (Approved by Ordinance No. 2016-0960) - DISTRICT J - LASTER


RECOMMENDATION: Approve First Amendment to professional architectural services contract and appropriate additional funds for the project.


SPECIFIC EXPLANATION: The General Services Department recommends that City Council approve a First Amendment to the existing professional architectural services contract with RdlR Architects, Inc. to add design and construction phase services for the removal and replacement of three, 20,000-gallon underground fuel storage tanks (UST) and fuel island at the existing HPW Northeast Quadrant facility, and appropriate an additional $73,500.00 to the Additional Services Fee in the contract.


The master planning study determined that the existing fuel island location is not optimal.  Currently, the location of the fuel island presents an obstruction in the main heavy vehicle traffic areas.  In addition, the USTs serving the fuel were installed in 1984 and are at the end of their service life.  Failure of the tanks could result in subsurface release of contaminants requiring emergency response, clean up, long-term environmental assessment, remediation, and regulatory reporting costs.  The current design contract provides an opportunity to proactively avoid the potential costs associated with tank failure by expanding the scope of work to include removal and replacement of the tanks and fuel island, which were not part of the original contract.


PROJECT LOCATION:  718 East Burress St. (Key Map 453E)


PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The existing USTs, fuel island and associated components will be demolished and properly disposed of according to applicable regulatory guidelines.  New USTs and fuel island will be constructed in a location that does not conflict with vehicular traffic pattern on the site.   


PREVIOUS HISTORY AND PROJECT SCOPE:  On December 7, 2016, Ordinance No. 2016-960, City Council approved a professional architectural services contract with RdlR Architects, Inc. to perform design and construction phase services for a new HPW Northeast Quadrant facility to house water and wastewater operations.  The project will demolish the existing administration building and construct a new 30,000 sf replacement facility along with site improvements.


M/WBE INFORMATION: A 24% M/WBE goal has been established for this contract.  The Architect has achieved 9.13% participation during the design phase.  It is anticipated that the Architect will achieve the M/WBE goal during the construction phase. 



 There is no estimated impact to the operating and maintenance costs for this additional funding, as the project will replace an existing facility and associated improvements.  Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policy Ordinance No. 2014-1078.


Capital Project Information:  See attached Form A for a breakdown of capital costs.

WBS Nos: R-950000-0001-3


Prior Council Action:

Ordinance No. 2016-960; Dated 12/13/2016

Amount and Source of Funding:


 PWE-W&S System Consolidated Construction Fund (8500)


Previous Funding:

$1,212,400.00 PWE-W&S System Consolidated Construction Fund (8500)

Contact Information:

Jacquelyn L. Nisby                

Phone:  832-393-8023

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