Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 2/20/2018
Item Creation Date: 1/24/2018

OEM City of Houston Mitigation Action Plan (MAP)

Agenda Item#: 12.


RESOLUTION adopting the City of Houston Hazard Mitigation Plan


The document to be formally adopted, the City of Houston Mitigation Action Plan (MAP), is required under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 and must receive final State and Federal approval before any political subdivision or jurisdictional entity may be eligible to apply for and receive FEMA mitigation grant funding.


The funding for the preparation of our MAP was awarded in the maximum amount of $80,000 and was made available to the City of Houston under Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) monies following Disaster 4223 declared 5/29/2015 and required a 75% federal - 25% local cost share.


To date, the MAP has been reviewed, tentatively okayed and is currently categorized as approvable pending adoption by both the State and FEMA.  Final approval of the document is contingent upon the City's action to formally adopt same.






Dennis Storemski

Director, Public Safety and Homeland Security

Prior Council Action:

Previously passed:


Agenda date 1/09/2013

Item #3

Resolution 2013-1


Agenda date 11/29/2006

Item #27

Resolution 2006-21

Contact Information:

Jeff LaCour

Phone: 713 884-4459

Mitigation Action Plan Blue FormSigned Cover sheet