Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 1/3/2018
District D
Item Creation Date:


Agenda Item#: 3.


RECOMMENDATION from Director General Services Department for approval of final contract amount of $9,231,693.67 and acceptance of work on contract with GILBANE BUILDING COMPANY for the Houston Public Library Palm Center/Young Library Replacement - 4.95% over the original contract amount and within the 10% contingency - DISTRICT D - BOYKINS


SPECIFIC EXPLANATION:  On June 17, 2009, by Ordinance No. 2009-571, City Council awarded a CMAR contract to Gilbane Building Company to provide pre-construction and construction phase services for the new Palm Center/Young Library Replacement, and appropriated $110,000.00 for pre-construction phase services.  The General Services Department and Gilbane Building Company agreed to a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for construction services in the amount of $8,796,387.00.  The General Services Department recommends that City Council approve the final construction amount of $9,231,693.67 or 4.95% over the original GMP, accept the work and authorize final payment to Gilbane Building Company.


PROJECT LOCATION: 5107 Griggs Rd (Key Map 534J) 


PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project constructed a new 16,800 square ft. library located at the Palm Center, which replaced the existing 7,900 square ft. library that was located within a leased space in the Palm Center. The scope of work consisted of reading areas and computer stations for juvenile children, adults and teens, an adult reading room, meeting room, conference room and support staff spaces.  The project incorporated the latest in integrated technology which allows the library staff to control air and heating temperatures, lighting, meeting room schedules, gaming software, book checkout and returns and electronic message boards and signs.


This project utilized the LEEDTM (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building rating system to achieve Silver Certification.


PREVIOUS HISTORY AND PROJECT SCOPE:  On April 8, 2015, by Ordinance No. 2015-283, City Council appropriated $9,339,750.00 for construction phase services based on the construction manager’s estimate of costs. On May 15, 2013, by Ordinance No. 2013-445, City Council approved a First Amendment to the CMAR contract, which eliminated and de-appropriated the termination fee of $40,000.00, and appropriated this amount to the architectural services contract with Perkins & Will – CRA L.P., for additional design services.   


CONTRACT COMPLETION AND COST:  The contractor completed the project within 490 days: the original contract time of 365 days, plus 125 days approved by Change Orders. The final construction cost of the project including Change Orders is $9,231,693.67, an increase of $435,306.67 over the original GMP.


Perkins & Will-CRA, L.P. was the project design consultant. 


PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS:  Change Order No. 1 increased the scope of work as a result of code review comments; provided independent building envelope testing and inspection; relocated a 2” gas line and removed two piers. Change Order No. 2 added fill to the mechanical yard; revised the location of the main electrical service meter; rerouted chill water piping; added make-up water connection from domestic water to the chilled water loop; added bypass valves on the air handling unit; added two exhaust fans and associated ductwork/diffusers for the north and south public areas; incorporated all new structural steel work at the conference room; and installed an additional sanitary sewer line and back flow preventer for the fire water line on the west side of the building. Change Order Nos. 3 - 6 provided several improvements/modifications to various components inside the building.  Change Order No. 7 provided a credit to the City because the actual construction costs were less than the GMP. 


MBE/SBE PARTICIPATION:  The contractor followed all necessary steps in accordance with the Office of Business Opportunity (OBO) requirements to solicit M/WBE participation. The contractor utilized all competitive bids which resulted in an 8% MBE goal and 5% SBE goal.  OBO determined that the contractor made a good faith effort, and approved the goals based on participation received on the bid date.   According to OBO, the contractor achieved 9.84% MBE participation and 7.54% SBE participation and was assigned an outstanding rating

Prior Council Action:

Ordinance No. 2009-571; June 17, 2009

Ordinance No. 2013-445; May 15, 2013

Ordinance No. 2015-283; April 8, 2015
Amount and Source of Funding:

$  1,278,000.00  Public Library Consolidated Construction Fund (4507)

$  7,158,000.00  OST/Almeda Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ #7)

$  2,442,000.00  Reimbursement of Equipment/Projects Fund (1850)

$10,878,000.00 Total
Contact Information:

Jacquelyn L. Nisby                  

 Phone: 832.393.8023

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