Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 5/30/2018
Item Creation Date: 12/11/2017

20DS14 PES / Plus Six Engineering, LLC (21)

Agenda Item#: 21.


ORDINANCE appropriating $360,000.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund and approving and authorizing Professional Engineering Services Contract between the City of Houston and PLUS SIX ENGINEERING, LLC for Engineering and Construction Technical Support for Capital Projects; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund


SUBJECT:  Professional Engineering Services Contract between the City and Plus Six Engineering, LLC for Engineering and Construction Technical Support for Capital Projects.



An ordinance approving a Professional Engineering Services Contract with Plus Six Engineering, LLC and appropriate funds.


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project is part of the Capital Improvement Plan and is required for execution of engineering and construction phases of capital projects delivery.


DESCRIPTION/SCOPE:  This project consists of technical services and support related to engineering and construction phases of capital projects delivery.  Routine evaluation and periodic updates of in-house engineering and construction standards is vital to ensuring capital assets are well designed, operated, and maintained.  The specific scope, budget, and schedule will be established for each separate work order prior to authorization of the project by the City. 


LOCATION:  The project location and limit shall be established by each separate work order.


SCOPE OF CONTRACT AND FEE:  Under the terms and scope of the Contract, the Consultant will perform Basic and Additional Services.  The Basic and Additional Services Fee for each work order will be negotiated based on the scope of services required and paid on a reimbursable basis with authorization not-to-exceed the agreed upon amount.


The total cost of this project is $360,000.00to be appropriated as follows: $300,000.00for Contract services and $60,000.00for CIP Cost Recovery.


PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM:  The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. In this case, the Contractor provides benefits for some employees but will pay into the Contractor Responsibility Fund for others, in compliance with City policy.


M/WBE PARTICIPATION:  The M/WBE goal for the project is set at 24%.The Consultant has proposed the following firms to achieve this goal.


Name of Firm

Work Description


% of Total Contract

Aurora Technical Services, LLC

   Engineering Services












FISCAL NOTE:  No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project.






Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E.


  Houston Public Works


WBS No.  R-000019-0095-3 and S-000019-0095-3




Amount and Source of Funding:

$360,000.00 – Water and Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund (8500)

Contact Information:

Brian P. Alcott, P.E.

Acting Senior Assistant Director, Capital Projects

Phone: (832) 395-2396

Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet