Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 6/19/2018
District E
Item Creation Date:

20RJM21 Accept Work / Weisinger Incorporated

Agenda Item#: 4.


RECOMMENDATION from Director Houston Public Works for approval of final contract amount of $1,352,027.47 and acceptance of work on contract with WEISINGER INCORPORATED for New/ Replacement of Water Well - Forest Cove III - 4.62% under the original contract amount  DISTRICT E - MARTIN


SUBJECT: Accept Work for New / Replacement of Water Well – Forest Cove III.


RECOMMENDATION: (SUMMARY) Pass a motion to approve the final Contract Amount of $1,352,027.47 or 4.62% under the original Contract Amount, accept the Work and authorize final payment.


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project was part of the City’s program to upgrade and rehabilitate ground water production facilities. It met the area’s water demand and ensured compliance with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regulations.


DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project consisted of providing construction services for a new water well in the Forest Cove III area in accordance with the technical specifications, project drawings, and contract documents.  AEI Engineering, LLC. designed the project with 400 calendar days allowed for construction. The project was awarded to Weisinger Incorporated with an original Contract Amount of $1,417,587.50.


LOCATION: The project is located at the Forest Cove III site at 1625A Laurel Springs Lane, Key Map No. 336E in Council District E.


CONTRACT COMPLETION AND COST: The Contractor, Weisinger Incorporated has completed the work under the subject Contract. The project was completed on time. The final cost of the project, including overrun and underrun of estimated unit price quantities and previously approved Change Order No. 1 is $1,352,027.47, a decrease of $65,560.03 or 4.62% under the original Contract Amount. The decreased cost is a result of the difference between planned and measured quantities.


M/WSBE PARTICIPATION: The M/WBE goal established for this project was 11%. The M/WBE plan established for this project was 41.75%. According to the Office of Business Opportunity, the participation was 30.28%. The Contractor’s M/WBE performance evaluation was rated Satisfactory. The Prime was given a satisfactory rating because they still exceeded the original goal for the project.





Carol Ellinger Haddock, PE , Director

Houston Public Works


WBS No. S-000100-0016-4

Prior Council Action:

Ordinance 2016-0366 Dated May 11, 2016

Amount and Source of Funding:

No additional funding required.


Original appropriation of $1,668,000.00 from Fund No. 8500 - Water and Sewer System Consolidated Construction.


Contact Information:

R. Jeff Masek, P.E., CCM

Assistant Director, Capital Projects

(832) 395-2387





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