SUBJECT: Contract Award for Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Television Inspection in Support of Rehabilitation.
RECOMMENDATION: (Summary) Accept second lowest bid due to application of Hire Houston First preference, award construction contract, and appropriate funds.
SPECIFIC EXPLANATION: This project is part of the Neighborhood Sewer Rehabilitation Program and is required to renew/replace various deteriorated neighborhood collection systems throughout the City. The project involves sanitary sewer cleaning and television inspection in support of rehabilitation. The purpose is to reduce sanitary sewer overflows, which is accomplished by cleaning of the sewer lines and television inspection to identify sewer lines in need of rehabilitation/renewal.
DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project consists of sanitary sewer cleaning and television inspection in support of rehabilitation. The contract duration for this project is 540 calendar days.
LOCATION: The work order project area is generally bounded by the City Limits.
BIDS: Four (4) bids were received on August 17, 2017 for this project as follows:
Bid Amount
All Points Inspection Services, Inc.
CSI Consolidated, LLC dba Clean Serve LLC
Sewer And Storm Maintenance, LLC
Specialized Maintenance Services, Inc.
AWARD: It is recommended that this construction contract be awarded to second lowest bidder CSI Consolidated, LLC dba Clean Serve, LLC, a HHF designated Local Business over lowest bidder All Points Inspection Services, Inc., due to Higher Houston First (HHF) preference with a bid of $855,190.00.
PROJECT COST: The total cost of this project is $897,950.00 to be appropriated as follows:
Bid Amount
HIRE HOUSTON FIRST:The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Hire Houston First’ ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston businesses and supports job creation. In this case, the proposed contractor is HHF designated and was awarded the contract based on their designation.
PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM: The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s Pay or Play ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. In this case, the contractor provides benefits for some employees but will pay into the Contractor Responsibility Fund for others, in compliance with City policy.
M/WSBE PARTICIPATION: No City M/WBE participation goal is established for this project as the contract amount does not exceed the threshold of $1,000,000.00 required for a goal oriented contract per Section 15-82 of the Code of Ordinances.
No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project.
Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E.
Acting Director
Department of Public Works and Engineering
WBS# R-000266-0278-4
File No. 4277-101