Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 10/31/2017
Item Creation Date: 4/28/2017

PLN-L7 Properties Revised

Agenda Item#: 16.


ORDINANCE releasing certain territory consisting of approximately 11.9 acres of land in Waller County, adjacent to the City of Prairie View, Texas, located near the intersection of James Muse Parkway and US Highway 290, from the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Houston


Roy Perry, President of L7 Properties LTD, and property owner, has requested the release of one tract of land totaling 11.9 acres from the City of Houston's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The City of Prairie View's boundary is contiguous to the west side of the tract. Upon the City of Houston's release, the City of Prairie View will be able to annex the released property into its full purpose boundary. The City of Houston has received a letter from the City of Prairie View demonstrating Prairie View's ability to provide services to this tract.


The property owner plans to develop commercial and residential properties on the undeveloped tract in the near future, which will require water and wastewater. The property is approximately 25 miles from the nearest City of Houston water or sewer system and cannot obtain utility service without significant expense. Therefore, it is unlikely that the City of Houston would annex this property in the foreseeable future. Such a release will not impair the City’s ability to annex any other territory in the eastern part of Waller County, nor will it result in the loss of significant revenue-producing properties from within the future city limits. This release will not impair mobility in the City of Houston or in the ETJ.


The Planning and Development Department recommends that City Council release the 11.9 acres of land located at the corner of James Muse Parkway and US 290 from the City of Houston's ETJ. 




Patrick Walsh, P.E.


Planning and Development Department


cc: Andy Icken

Prior Council Action:
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Misty Staunton


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