It is recommended City Council approve a motion declining the acceptance of, rejecting, and refusing the dedication of a portion of County Road, from Barker Cypress Road east to its terminus, located within the W.C.R.R. Company Survey, A-1121. Parcel SY17-070
SPECIFIC EXPLANATION: Jess Berglund, Real Estate Management Analyst, Texas Department of Transportation, 125 East 11th Street, Austin, Texas 78701, requested the non-acceptance of County Road, from Barker Cypress Road east to its terminus, located within the W.C.R.R. Company Survey, A-1121. County Road has never been paved or used for utility purposes. Further, the City has identified no future need for this roadway. Texas Department of Transportation, the applicant, plans to incorporate the requested portion of County Road into its abutting property to facilitate the sale of the parent tract to the adjacent property owner. The Joint Referral Committee reviewed and approved this request.
Therefore, it is recommended City Council approve a motion declining the acceptance of, rejecting, and refusing the dedication of a portion of County Road, from Barker Cypress Road east to its terminus, located within the W.C.R.R. Company Survey, A-1121.
Carrol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Acting Director
Department of Public Works and Engineering