Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 12/12/2017
District G
Item Creation Date: 9/28/2017

20HNP09-A Addtn’l Approp / BRH-Garver Construction, L.P. - Must appear before 20HNP09-B

Agenda Item#: 3.


ORDINANCE appropriating $5,880,359.75 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund as an additional appropriation to contract between the City of Houston and BRH-GARVER CONSTRUCTION, L.P. for Change Order No. 2 for Lift Station Renewal and Replacement – Consolidation of Post Oak, Stablewood and Buckingham Lift Stations (Approved by Ordinance No. 2015-0813); providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund - DISTRICT G - TRAVIS


SUBJECT: Adopt an Ordinance approving Additional Appropriation for Change Order No. 2  and associated project costs for Lift Station Renewal and Replacement – Consolidation of Post Oak, Stablewood and Buckingham Lift Stations; WBS No. R-000267-109A-4.


RECOMMENDATION: (SUMMARY) Adopt an Ordinance approving Additional Appropriation of $5,880,359.75 for Lift Station Renewal and Replacement – Consolidation of Post Oak, Stablewood and Buckingham Lift Stations.


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project is part of the City’s ongoing program for lift station renewal and replacement.


DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: The project included consolidation of Post Oak, Stablewood, and Buckingham Lift Stations into a gravity system. ARCADIS U.S., Inc. designed the project with 495 calendar days allowed for construction. The Project was awarded to BRH-Garver Construction, L.P. with an original Contract Amount of $14,594,955.72.


LOCATION:  The project area is generally bound by Memorial on the north, Woodway on the south, N. Post Oak on the east and Friar Tuck on the west.  The project is located in Key Map Grids 491C, H, G, M, and L.


ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATON:  An approval is requested for an additional appropriation of $4,930,392.75 in excess of the original contract value and an extension of 493 days of contract time for additional work described in Change Order No. 2, contamination of ground water, sandstone obstructions, work stoppage, and utility conflicts.  In addition, supplemental appropriations are required for ARCADIS U.S., Inc. for Phase III Engineering Services and Jacobs Project Management Company for Construction Management Services under previously approved Contracts. This scope of work is necessary to complete the execution of this project due to the inspection results.


The total cost of this additional appropriation is $5,880,359.75 to be appropriated as follows:


· Contract Services


· Contingencies


· Engineering Services


· CIP Cost Recovery


· Construction Management



The requested appropriation will cover the additional work identified and leave the 5% contingency balance for the completion of the remaining contract work.


HIRE HOUSTON FIRST:  The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s “Hire Houston First” ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston businesses and supports job creation. In this case the proposed contractor meets the requirements of Hire Houston First.


PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM: The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. In this case, the Contractor provides health benefits to eligible employees in compliance with City policy.


M/WBE PARTICIPATION: The M/WBE goal established for this contract is 20%.  The original Contract approved by Ordinance No. 2015-0813 is in the amount of $14,594,955.72. Assuming approval of the Change Order No. 2 and including previously approved Change Order No. 1, the Contract amount will increase to $19,585,348.47.  According to Office of Business Opportunity, the Contractor’s to date M/WBE performance is 14.58%.


ESTIMATED FISCAL OPERATING IMPACT: No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project.






Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Acting Director

Department of Public Works and Engineering


WBS No. R-000267-109A-4

Prior Council Action:

Ordinance 2015-0813, dated 08/26/2015





Amount and Source of Funding:


Water and Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund

Fund No. 8500


Previous original appropriation of $16,517,600.00 from Fund No. 8500 – Water and Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund.

Contact Information:

Brian P. Alcott, P.E.

Acting Senior Assistant Director, Capital Projects

Phone: (832) 395-2396

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