Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 10/2/2017
Item Creation Date:

SPD - Additional Debris Removal Contractors-MOTION

Agenda Item#: 10.


RECOMMENDATION from Chief Procurement Officer for Hurricane Harvey Disaster Debris Removal Services awarded to the following contractors for the Solid Waste Management Department in an amount not to exceed $60,000,000.00 - Disaster Recovery Fund:

  1. Ceres Environmental Services, Inc

  2. Ontario Specialty Contracting, Inc., d/b/a  OSC Texas

  3. JLS Consulting, LLC d/b/a Terraworx Construction

  4. Sun Packing, Inc

  5. J.H. Reid General Contractor

  6. NOLA Construction & Development Group, LLC

  7. Basal Solutions, LLC

  8. Brian Smith Construction Inspection, Inc

  9. Fisher Construction, Inc

  10. Harris Builder, LLC

  11. Hydromax Services, LLC

  12. TMG Services, Inc. & Perk Company, Inc., Joint Venture, LP

  13. R Construction Company

  14. Webb Trucking and Landclearing, Inc

  15. Sustainable Freight Group Corporation


Approve various awards, as shown below, in an amount not to exceed $60,000,000.00 for Hurricane Harvey Disaster Debris Removal Services for the Solid Waste Management Department. 


Specific Explanation:

In order to ensure that the City of Houston is capable of responding to the needs of the citizens during the extraordinary event of Hurricane Harvey, the Director of the Solid Waste Management Department and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve various awards in an amount not to exceed $60,000,000.00 for Hurricane Harvey Disaster Debris Removal Services and that authorization be given to issue purchase orders as needed.  These awards are a short term mechanism to ensure the health and safety of the general public.


The scope of work requires the contractors to provide all labor, materials, expendable supplies, vehicles, and supervision necessary to load and haul vegetation, damaged trees, stumps and household debris from public right-of-ways to debris management sites and/or approved landfills in a timely, efficient, safe and lawful manner.


Contractors List:

  1. Ceres Environmental Services, Inc.

  2. Ontario Specialty Contracting, Inc. d/b/a OSC Texas

  3. JLS Consulting, LLC d/b/a Terraworx Construction

  4. Sun Packing, Inc.

  5. J.H. Reid General Contractor

  6. NOLA Construction & Development Group, LLC

  7. Basal Solutions, LLC

  8. Brian Smith Construction Inspection, Inc.

  9. Fisher Construction, Inc.

  10. Harris Builder, LLC

  11. Hydromax Services, LLC

  12. TMG Services, Inc. & Perk Company, Inc., Joint Venture, LP

  13. R Construction Company

  14. Webb Trucking and Landclearing, Inc.

  15. Sustainable Freight Group Corporation


MWBE Participation:

Zero-Percentage Goal document approved by the office of Business Opportunity.


Hire Houston First:

The proposed procurement is funded by a federal grant; therefore, exempt from 'Hire Houston First' (HHF) ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston business and support job creation.


Disaster Note:

This item is related to the impacts of Hurricane Harvey DR-4332 and it is the City’s intent to seek reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management ("FEMA") and other eligible sources for such expenditures.





Jerry Adams, Chief Procurement Officer

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division

Department Approval Authority


Amount and Source of Funding:

$60,000,000.00  -

Disaster Recovery Fund (5303)

Contact Information:

Jerry Adams, CPO  (832)393-9126

Harry Hayes, Director of SWM (832) 393-0454

Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet
MWBE 0% approval from OBOBackup Material