SUBJECT: Pipeline Crossing Agreement between the City of Houston and Ergon Texas Pipeline Incorporated for Relocation of Petroleum Pipelines. WBS No. N-000401-0001-7.
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing a pipeline crossing agreement between the City of Houston and Ergon Texas Pipeline Incorporated and appropriate funds.
PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: The City of Houston would like to construct neighborhood improvements that conflict with existing pipelines. The relocation of the existing petroleum pipeline will facilitate the placement of new pavement and sanitary sewer lines. The petroleum pipeline will be placed well below the proposed sanitary line to relocate conflicts associated with replacement and maintenance.
DESCRIPTION: Construction of the Neighborhood Street Reconstruction (NSR) 468 project that conflicts with the existing petroleum pipelines owned by ERGON Texas Pipeline Incorporated. Lockgate Drive and Murr Way Drive cross the ERGON Right of Way and the proposed pavement is in conflict with the shallow pipelines. The current depth of cover for the ERGON pipelines is eighteen inches (18- inches), making it necessary to relocate the petroleum pipelines below the proposed pavement and sanitary improvements.
LOCATION: The project is located in Key Map Grids 573H, M.
SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT: This agreement is between the City of Houston and Ergon Texas Pipeline Incorporated, and it entails the relocation and removal of a pipeline owned and operated by Ergon Texas Pipeline Incorporated as specified in the Agreement on a reimbursable basis, with a shall not exceed amount of $750,000.00.
No significant Fiscal Operating Impact is anticipated as a result of this project.
ACTION RECOMMENDED: It is recommended that City Council adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing a Pipeline Crossing Agreement between the City of Houston and ERGON Texas Pipeline Incorporated and appropriate $750,000.00 for the relocation of the pipeline.
Carol Ellinger Haddock, PE., Acting Director
Department of Public Works and Engineering
WBS No. N-000401-0001-7