SUBJECT: Additional Appropriation to Professional Engineering Services Contract between the City and Pierce Goodwin Alexander & Linville, Inc. for Freeway Manor North Area Drainage and Paving Improvements;
Approve an ordinance appropriating additional funds to the Professional Engineering Services Contract with Pierce Goodwin Alexander & Linville, Inc.
PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project is part of the Storm Drainage Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) program. This program is required to address and reduce the risk of structural flooding. Improvements include modification of street conveyance and sheet flow, and provide detention as needed for mitigation.
DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project consists of the design of storm drainage improvements, necessary concrete paving, curbs, sidewalks, driveways and underground utilities. Project will serve the Freeway Manor North Area.
LOCATION: The project area is generally bound by Globe Street on the north, Edgebrook Drive on the south, Berry Bayou (C106-00-00) on the east and Theta Street on the west. The project is located in Key Map Grids 576 B, E, & F.
PREVIOUS HISTORY AND SCOPE: City Council approved the original contract on February 18, 2015 under Ordinance No. 2015-0141 with Pierce Goodwin Alexander & Linville, Inc. The previous requested appropriation was for Phase I - Preliminary Design Basic and Additional Services only. The scope of services under the Original Contract consisted of the design of storm drainage improvements, necessary concrete paving, curbs, sidewalks, driveways and underground utilities. Under this Contract, the Consultant completed Phase I Basic and Additional Services assignments.
SCOPE OF THIS ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION AND FEE: The requested additional appropriation will accomplish the following tasks: Basic and Additional Services for Phase 2 and Basic and Additional Services for Phase 3 of this contract. A fee of $609,391.00 is for Basic Services and $347,212.84 for Additional Services. Additional Services are anticipated to include Phase II environmental services, traffic control plans, street lighting plans, SWPPP plans, tree protection plans, additional drainage analysis, optional addition of Theta St., and additional design for inline detention option.
The total requested appropriation is $1,109,660.45 to be appropriated as follows: $956,603.84 for contract services and $153,056.61 for CIP Cost Recovery.
PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM: The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. In this case, the Contractor provides health benefits to eligible employees in compliance with City policy.
M/WBE PARTICIPATION: The M/WBE goal established for this project is 24%. The original Contract amount totals $513,716.00. The Consultant has been paid $342,899.66 (66.75%) to date. Of this amount, $145,506.38 (42.4%) has been paid to M/WBE sub-consultants to date. Assuming approval of the requested additional appropriation, the contract amount will increase to $1,470,319.84. The Consultant proposes the following plan to meet the M/WBE goal.
Name of Firms
Work Description
% of Total Contract
Paid Prior M/WBE Commitment
Unpaid Prior M/WBE Commitment
1. Aviles Engineering Corp.
Geotechnical and Environmental
2. 5Engineering
H&H Services
3. NEDU Engineering Services
4. Lloyd Smitha & Associates, LLC
Constructability Review
5. B&E Reprographics
6. ISANI Consultants, L.P.
Traffic Control Plans
FISCAL NOTE: No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project.
Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E.
Acting Director
Department of Public Works and Engineering
WBS No. M-410010-0001-3