Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 7/25/2017
District I
Item Creation Date: 7/17/2017

25PARK295-Neutex Advanced Energy Group, Inc. - Mason Park Plaza Lighting

Agenda Item#: 26.


ORDINANCE appropriating $89,000.00 out of Reimbursement of Equipment/Projects Fund and $53,000.00 out of the Parks & Recreation Dedication Fund; awarding construction contract to NEUTEX ADVANCED ENERGY GROUP, INC. for Mason Park Plaza lighting; setting a deadline for the bidder's execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for engineering and materials testing, and contingencies relating to construction of facilities financed by Reimbursement of Equipment/Projects Fund and the Parks & Recreation Dedication Fund - DISTRICT I - GALLEGOS


SPECIFIC EXPLANATION: The General Services Department recommends that City Council award a construction contract to Neutex Advanced Energy Group, Inc., on its low bid amount of $124,000.00 to provide construction services for Mason Park Plaza Lighting for the Houston Parks and Recreation Department. It is anticipated that the Council District I Service Fund will reimburse the Reimbursement of Equipment/Projects Fund.

PROJECT LOCATION: 541 S. 75th, (Key Map: 535A)

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project will install 22 light poles and fixtures. Electrical service exists at the plaza area but underground electrical / power will be required for the fixtures, and the light poles will require foundation support.

The contract duration for this project is 120 calendar days. Clark Condon Associates, Inc. is the design consultant for the project.

BIDS: The following four bids were received on October 27, 2016:

Bidder                                                                        Bid Amount
1. Neutex Advanced Energy Group, Inc.                    $124,000.00
2. C.F. McDonald Electric, Inc.                                   $154,864.00
3. Millis Development & Construction, Inc.                 $196,171.00
4. Carrera Construction, Inc.                                       $218,775.00


AWARD: It is recommended that City Council award the construction contract to Neutex Advanced Energy Group, Inc., and appropriate funds for the project, including an additional appropriation of $5,600.00 for engineering and materials testing services under an existing contract with Professional Services Industries, Inc.


M/W/SBE PARTICIPATION: No M/W/SBE goal was established for this project because the construction cost does not exceed the threshold of $1M required for a goal-oriented contract as authorized by the Code of Ordinances, §15-82.

PLAY OR PAY PROGRAM: The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s “Play or Pay” Ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. In this case, the contractor has elected to pay into the Contractor Responsibility Fund in compliance with City policy.


HIRE HOUSTON FIRST: The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s “Hire Houston First” Ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston businesses and supports job creation. In this case, the proposed contractor meets the requirements of Hire Houston First.

CIP FISCAL NOTE: There is no estimated impact to the operating and maintenance costs as a result of this CIP project. Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policy Ordinance 2014-1078.
Capital Project Information: See the attached Form A for a breakdown of capital costs.


Amount of Funding:
$  89,000.00    Reimbursement of Equipment/Projects Fund (1850)
$   53,000.00   Parks & Recreation Dedication Fund (4035)
$ 142,000.00   Total Funding
Contact Information:
Jacquelyn L. Nisby     Phone: 832-393-8023