03/25/25 | HPW – 20INF2421 PES / Agha Engineering, LLC | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | PLN - Special Minimum Lot Size Block Application No. 867 (3100 block of Oakdale Street, north and south sides, between Sampson Street and the end of Oakdale Street) | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | HPW - 20WR539– Petition Addition (14.64) Bridgestone Municipal Utility District | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | HPW – 20FAC2536 PES / Civitas Engineering Group, Inc. | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | HPW - 20WR544 – Petition Addition (64.383) Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 576 | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | HPW - 20WR543 – Petition Addition (159.20) Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 490 | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | HPW – 20SWO179 Contract Award / Grava, LLC | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | 25CF157 Lease Agreement - 2500 Fannin | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | HPW - 20WR551 - First Amendment to the Untreated Water Supply Contract - Air Products, LLC | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | HPW – 20WWO1150 Contract Award / CSI Consolidated, LLC dba AIMS Companies | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | HCD24-118 Substantial Amendment to Action Plan for Disaster Recovery 2021 Winter Storm | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | HPW-20FMS111 L-PDM Grant Award Kingwood Diversion Walnut Lane Bridge | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | HPW - 20HGW10309\Sale of 5631 Patrick St.\Parcel SY24-053 | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | Doc1068515524 Veterinary Supplies (Patterson Veterinary Supply, Inc AND HSB Veterinary Supplies, Inc.) - MOTION | NON CONSENT - PURCHASING AND TABULATION OF BIDS | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |
03/25/25 | LGL-Husch Blackwell LLP-Increase Maximum Contract Amount | ORDINANCES | Council Meeting | City Hall - In Person Meeting |  |