Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 1/18/2017
District D
Item Creation Date: 8/26/2016

HCD16-112 Bering Omega

Agenda Item#: 11.


***PULLED – Item will not be considered on 1/18

ORDINANCE approving and authorizing first amendment to agreement between the City of Houston and BERING OMEGA COMMUNITY SERVICES to add HOUSTON AREA COMMUNITY SERVICES as a party to the agreement to act as construction manager and take responsibility for program services at a facility to be located at 2920 Fannin Street, Houston, Texas - DISTRICT D - BOYKINS


In April 2013, Council approved a contract between the City and Bering Omega to provide $1,100,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for acquisition of the land located at 2920 Fannin Street, which will provide the space needed to build a new community facility.  The proposed amendment would allow Bering Omega and Houston Area Community Services (HACS) to move forward with the construction of the facility, and allow HACS to act as the operator of the facility.


Bering Omega and Houston Area Community Services (HACS) have provided services for the HIV/AIDS community for the past 15 years. Bering Omega Dental Clinic and Day Treatment Program serve approximately 3,545 individuals per year, and their Housing Assistance Program serves 1,697 households annually. Bering Omega and HACS have entered into a management agreement, which will provide a permanent home for Bering Omega that is ideally configured to their operations and adhere to Agreement obligations.


Houston Area Community Services (HACS) would assume all of the obligations under the Agreement as the manager for construction and operator of program services of the 23,750-square-foot Medical, Dental and Adult Care Clinic. The new community facility will provide HIV-related prevention and care services which include: medical care, pharmacy, dental, behavioral health, Adult Day Treatment Program, and HIV-related Housing Services. In addition, non-HIV related services will also be offered which includes the same services as referenced above.


The total construction budget is $5,440,000, which will be funded by a Construction Loan. The project completion is expected in May 2018.  No additional City funds will be granted on this project.


This item was reviewed by the Housing and Community Affairs Committee on September 20, 2016.
Prior Council Action:
2013-0317, (O) 4/10/13
Contact Information:

Roxanne Lawson

Phone: 832.394.6307

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