Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 10/18/2016
District H, District I
Item Creation Date:

25PARK287 - Carrera Construction, Inc. - TIGER Project #4 Buffalo Bayou Path Accept Work RCA

Agenda Item#: 5.


RECOMMENDATION   from   Director   General    Services    Department for approval of final contract amount of $3,829,553.00 and acceptance of work on contract with CARRERA CONSTRUCTION, INC for construction services in connection with TIGER Project #4 Buffalo Bayou Path for the Houston Parks and Recreation Department - 9.54% over the original contract amount - DISTRICTS H - CISNEROS and I - GALLEGOS

SPECIFIC EXPLANATION: The General Services Department recommends that City Council approve the final contract amount of $3,829,553.00 or 9.54% over the original contract amount, accept the work and authorize final payment to Carrera Construction, Inc. for construction services in connection with TIGER Project #4 Buffalo Bayou Path for the Houston Parks and Recreation Department.

PROJECT LOCATION: Downtown, Buffalo Bayou from Smith Street to Travis Street (493 L)

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project constructed a .3 mile, shared-use path along the south bank of Buffalo Bayou in downtown Houston from Baker Common on the west end to Allen’s Landing on the east end. The Buffalo Bayou path provided a missing link in the existing trail system. The new path passes under Smith Street, Louisiana Street/Franklin Street and Milam Street bridges and consist of three suspended deck sections and on-grade path. The scope of work also includes staircases, handrails, lighting, landscaping and relocation of utilities.

AECOM was the design consultant for the project.

PREVIOUS HISTORY AND PROJECT SCOPE: On September 23, 2015, by Ordinance No. 2015-889, City Council approved a First Amendment which increased the director’s authority to approve Change Orders up to 11% and appropriated an additional sum of $153,822.68 that provided for protective cages for security lights, new seat wall, modifications to stairways, trail, slope pavement and rip rap at Deck 2 and 3.

CONTRACT COMPLETION AND COST: The contractor completed the project within 605 days: the original contract time of
240 days plus 365 days approved by Change Orders. The final cost of the project including Change Orders is $3,829,553.00, an increase of $333,583.00 over the original contract amount.

PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: Change Order Nos. 1-5 added additional demolition of unforeseen utilities and concrete footings, modification to storm water out fall, additional handrails, 16 metal light poles and mountings, modifications to trail, slopes and abutments at Decks 2 and 3, new seat wall, additional reinforcement at retaining wall, additional rip rap, grade revisions, stairway modifications, protective cages for security lights, and added days to the contract to complete the project.

CONSTRUCTION GOAL: The contract contained an 18% Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal. According to the Office of Business Opportunity, the contractor achieved 17.03% DBE participation and was assigned a satisfactory rating.
Prior Council Action:
Ordinance No. 2014-271, April 2, 2014
Ordinance No. 2015-889, September 23, 2015
Amount of Funding:
$3,420,546.02        Fed Gov Grant (5000) USDOT TIGER Discretionary
$   150,000.00        Parks Special Fund (4012)
$   309,980.68        Other Gov Grant Funded (5040) Buffalo Bayou Partnership
$3,880,526.70        TOTAL
Contact Information:
Jacquelyn L. Nisby      Phone: 832-393-8023