Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 9/27/2016
Item Creation Date: 9/12/2016

HHD - Healthy Texas Women

Agenda Item#: 23.


ORDINANCE approving and authorizing grant application to the TEXAS HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION (HHSC) for the Healthy Texas Women Program (“Grant”); declaring the City’s eligibility for such grant; authorizing the Director of the Houston Health Department to act as the City’s representative in the application process, to accept and expend the grant funds, as awarded, and to apply for and accept all subsequent awards, if any, pertaining to the grant; approving and authorizing contract between the City and HHSC under the Healthy Texas Women’s Grant Program

The Houston Health Department (HHD) requests City Council approval of an ordinance authorizing a grant application and contract with the Women’s Health Services Division of the Health and Human Service Commission (HHSC) for the Healthy Texas Women Program.  The initial fourteen (14) month budget period is from July 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017 in the amount of $1,159,200.00.  The contract may be renewed for up to two additional two-year terms.  HHD also requests City Council to authorized 1) the Director or his designee to act as the City’s representative in the application process with the authority to apply for, accept and expend the grant funds, as awarded, and to apply for and accept and expend sequential awards, to sign and extend the term, not to exceed five years, of any contract(s), if extended and offered by HHSC during the project period and 2) the Mayor to execute the original and subsequent contracts, agreements and documents with the approval of the City Attorney in connection with the grant.   HHD currently provides family planning services with the support of multiple funding sources which include Texas Women’s Health Program (TWHP). TWHP is the current state-funded program administered by HHSC to provide eligible uninsured women with women’s health and family planning services that is being replaced with the Healthy Texas Women (HTW) Program.  The HTW Program includes both a fee-for-service component (HTW Fee-for-Service Program) and a cost reimbursement component. In the HTW Fee- for-Service Program, client eligibility is determined by HHSC.  Fee-for-service claims will be processed by the Texas Medicaid Healthcare Partnership. Services in the HTW Fee-for-Service Program will be preventive health, medical, counseling, and educational services that assist low-income Texan women to manage their fertility and achieve optimal reproductive and general health and include, but are not limited to, the following services: pelvic examinations, contraceptive services (pregnancy prevention and birth spacing), pregnancy testing and counseling, sexually transmitted infection services, breast and cervical cancer screenings and diagnostic services,  immunizations,  cervical  dysplasia treatment,  and other preventive services. HHD will provide 1) direct clinical care for women deemed presumptively eligible for HTW Fee-for-Service Program, 2) assistance with enrollment into the HTW Fee-for-Service Program to eligible women, 3) staff development and training related to HTW Fee-for-Service Program service delivery, and 4) client and community based educational activities related to the HTW Fee-for-Service Program. The services provided under the cost reimbursement component of the HTW Program do not include direct client care services provided through the HTW Fee-for-Service Program; however, the provided services are directly related, and limited, to the clients served through the HTW Fee-for-Service Program and women that are deemed presumptively eligible for the HTW Fee-for-Service Program.  HHD anticipates serving 16,500 unduplicated clients during the contract performance period.  Termination services and/or products are not provided by the state funder or HHD.
Prior Council Action:
Amount of Funding:

Amount:            $1,159,200.00

Fund Name:     State Funds

Fund #:             5010

Contact Information:

Kathy Barton

Telephone: 832-393-5045; Cell: 713-826-5801

Healthy Texas Women RCASigned Cover sheet